Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
I'm not sure what I could've done to change how shoutcast buffers. My
understanding is, shoutcast has a buffer approximately 256kbytes ... so, a
64kbit (8kbyte) stream would have a delay of about 32 seconds
That would suggest you are streaming at approximately 192kbits (for 10 seconds)
... or 48kbit (for 40 seconds)
If you are using lame encoding, may I suggest trying the latest beta version -
some lame code has been rewritten
Original comment by
on 17 Dec 2011 at 7:50
I work with pips on the hour. I don't know what's technically is happening
but with the old version 3.2.1. the difference in broadcasting and the
receiving (internet radio play back) is stable again. However I can't
imagine that I'm the only one who's having this issue. If so; I'm
sorry to report this despite your efforts to keep this wonderful encoder
actual and running. Regards, Hank
2011/12/18 hank dussen <>
Original comment by
on 18 Dec 2011 at 8:13
can I ask your encoder settings ...
Original comment by
on 18 Dec 2011 at 9:18
Marked as unconfirmed issue
Original comment by
on 19 Dec 2011 at 12:15
For some reason I cannot add a text file to my comment.
When I click save changes, it get deleted ... ?
Original comment by
on 19 Dec 2011 at 10:09
second attempt
# Destination server details (to where you are encoding). Valid server types :
Shoutcast, Icecast, Icecast2
# YP (Stream Directory) Settings
ServerName=The Great American Songbook
ServerDescription=The Great American Songbook
ServerGenre=Vocal Jazz
# Output codec selection (Valid selections : MP3, OggVorbis, Ogg FLAC, AAC,
Encode=MP3 Lame
# General settings (non-codec related). Note : NumberChannels = 1 for MONO, 2
# Ogg Vorbis specific settings. Note: Valid settings for BitrateQuality flag
are (Quality, Bitrate Management)
# LAME specific settings. Note: Setting the low/highpass freq to 0 will
disable them.
# AAC (FAAC) specific settings.
# Save directory for archive streams
# Flag which indicates if we are saving archives
# Log Level 1 = LOG_ERROR, 2 = LOG_ERROR+LOG_INFO, 3 =
# Log File
; SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server configuration file
; Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Nullsoft, Inc.
; All Rights Reserved.
; Last modified Mar 17 2004
; If you want to manage multiple configurations, just copy
; this file to another name, and run sc_serv with that name
; such as:
; sc_serv.exe sc_leet.conf
; ***************************
; Required stuff
; ***************************
; MaxUser. The maximum number of simultaneous listeners allowed.
; Compute a reasonable value for your available upstream bandwidth (i.e. if
; you have 256kbps upload DSL, and want to broadcast at 24kbps, you would
; choose 256kbps/24kbps=10 maximum listeners.) Setting this value higher
; only wastes RAM and screws up your broadcast when more people connect
; than you can support.
; Password. While SHOUTcast never asks a listener for a password, a
; password is required to broadcast through the server, and to perform
; administration via the web interface to this server. This server should
; consist of only letters and numbers, and is the same server your broadcaster
; will need to enter in the SHOUTcast Source Plug-in for Winamp. THIS VALUE
; PortBase. This is the IP port number your server will run on. The
; value, and the value + 1 must be available. If you get a fatal error when
; the DNAS is setting up a socket on startup, make sure nothing else on the
; machine is running on the same port (telnet localhost portnumber -- if you
; get connection refused then you're clear to use that port). Ports < 1024
; may require root privledges on *nix machines. The default port is 8000.
; ***************************
; Optional Parameters
; ***************************
; ***************************
; Logging configuration
; ***************************
; LogFile: file to use for logging. Can be '/dev/null' or 'none'
; or empty to turn off logging. The default is ./sc_serv.log
; on *nix systems or sc_serv_dir\sc_serv.log on win32.
; Note: on win32 systems if no path is specified the location is
; in the same dir as the executable, on *nix systems it is in the
; current directory.
; RealTime displays a status line that is updated every second
; with the latest information on the current stream (*nix and win32
; console systems only)
; ScreenLog controls whether logging is printed to the screen or not
; on *nix and win32 console systems. It is useful to disable this when
; running servers in background without their own terminals. Default is 1
; ShowLastSongs specifies how many songs to list in the /played.html
; page. The default is 10. Acceptable entries are 1 to 20.
; TchLog decides whether or not the DNAS logfile should track yp
; directory touches. Adds and removes still appear regardless of
; this setting.
; Default is yes
; TchLog=yes
; WebLog decides whether or not hits to http:// on this DNAS will
; be logged. Most people leave this off because the DSP plug-in
; uses http:// calls to update titles and get the listener count,
; which takes up a lot of log space eventually. If you want to
; see people making hits on your admin.cgi or index pages, turn
; this back on. Note that this setting does NOT affect XML stats
; counters for hits to http:// pages.
; Default is no.
; WebLog=no
; W3CEnable turns on W3C Logging. W3C logs contain httpd-like accounts
; of every track played for every listener, including byte counts those
; took. This data can be parsed with tools like Analog and WebTrends, or given
; to third parties like Arbitron and Measurecast for their reporting systems.
; Default is Yes (enabled).
; W3CLog describes the name of the logfile for W3C logging. Default logfile is
; sc_w3c.log, in the same directory wherever the DNAS gets started from.
; ***************************
; Network configuration
; ***************************
; SrcIP, the interface to listen for source connections on (or to make relay
; connections on if relaying). Can and usually will be ANY or
; (Making it will keep other machines from being able to
; broadcast using your shoutcast server )
; DestIP, IP to listen for clients on (and to contact
; can and usually will be be ANY. If your machine has multiple IP addresses,
; set this to the one you want it to be accessed by.
; Yport, port to connect to on. For people behind caching
; webproxies, change this to the alternate port (666 is what it might be,
; check if you have problems). Otherwise, leave this at 80.
; We're actively working on re-opening port 666, but as of release the only
; working port is port 80.
; NameLookups. Specify 1 to perform reverse DNS on connections.
; This option may increase the time it takes to connect to your
; server if your DNS server is slow. Default is 0 (off).
; RelayPort and RelayServer specify that you want to be a relay server.
; Relay servers act as clients to another server, and rebroadcast.
; Set RelayPort to 0, RelayServer to empty, or just leave these commented
; out to disable relay mode.
; RelayPort=8000
; RelayServer=
; ***************************
; Server configuration
; ***************************
; AdminPassword. This password (if specified) changes the
; behavior of Password to be a broadcast-only password, and
; limits HTTP administration tasks to the password specified
; here. The broadcaster, with the password above, can still
; log in and view connected users, but only the AdminPassword
; will grant the right to kick, ban, and specify reserve hosts.
; The default is undefined (Password allows control for both
; source and admin)
; AutoDumpUsers controls whether listeners are disconnected if the source
; stream disconnects. The default is 0.
; AutoDumpSourceTime specifies how long, in seconds, the source stream is
; allowed to be idle before the server disconnects it. 0 will let the source
; stream idle indefinately before disconnecting. The default is 30.
; ContentDir specifies the directory location on disk of where to stream
; on-demand content from. Subdirectories are supported as of DNAS 1.8.2.
; Default is ./content, meaning a directory named content in the same directory
; as where sc_serv was invoked from.
; ContentDir=./content
; IntroFile can specify a mp3 file that will be streamed to listeners right
; when they connect before they hear the live stream.
; Note that the intro file MUST be the same samplerate/channels as the
; live stream in order for this to work properly. Although bitrate CAN
; vary, you can use '%d' to specify the bitrate in the filename
; (i.e. C:\intro%d.mp3 would be C:\intro64.mp3 if you are casting at 64kbps).
; The default is no IntroFile
; IntroFile=c:\intro%d.mp3
; BackupFile can specify a mp3 file that will be streamed to listeners over
; and over again when the source stream disconnects. AutoDumpUsers must be
; 0 to use this feature. When the source stream reconnects, the listeners
; are rejoined into the live broadcast.
; Note that the backup file MUST be the same samplerate/channels as the
; live stream in order for this to work properly. Although bitrate CAN
; vary, you can use '%d' to specify the bitrate in the filename
; (i.e. C:\backup%d.mp3 would be C:\backup32.mp3 if you are casting at 32kbps).
; The default is no BackupFile
; BackupFile=C:\intro%d.mp3
; TitleFormat specifies a format string for what title is sent to the listener.
; For example, a string of 'Justin Radio' forces the title 'Justin Radio' even
; when the source changes the title. You can use up to one '%s' in the string
; which lets you contain the title from the source. For example, if your
; TitleFormat is 'Justin Radio: %s', and the source plug-in's title is
; 'Billy plays the blues', then the net title is
; 'Justin Radio: Billy plays the blues'. Note: only works on non-relay servers.
; The default is no format string.
; TitleFormat=Justin Radio: %s
; URLFormat specifies a format string for what url is sent to the listener.
; Behaves like TitleFormat (see above).
; The default is no format string.
; URLFormat=
; PublicServer can be always, never, or default (the default, heh)
; Any setting other than default will override the public status
; of the source plug-in or of a SHOUTcast server that is being relayed.
; AllowRelay determines whether or not other SHOUTcast servers will be
; permitted to relay this server. The default is Yes.
; AllowPublicRelay, when set to No, will tell any relaying servers not
; to list the server in the SHOUTcast directory (non-public), provided
; the relaying server's Public flag is set to default. The default is
; Yes.
; MetaInterval specifies how often, in bytes, metadata sent.
; You should really leave this at the default of 8192, but the option is
; provided anyway.
; *****************************
; Access Control
; *****************************
; ListenerTimer is a value in minutes of maximum permitted time for
; a connected listener. If someone is connected for longer than this
; amount of time, in minutes, they are disconnected. When undefined,
; there is no limit defined. Default is undefined.
; ListenerTimer=600
; BanFile is the text file sc_serv reads and writes to/from
; for the list of clients prohibited to connect to this
; server. It's automatically generated via the web
; interface.
; RipFile is the text file sc_serv reads and writes to/from
; for the list of client IPs which are *ALWAYS* permitted
; to connect to this server (useful for relay servers).
; This file is automatically generated via the web
; interface. Note that if your server is FULL, and someone
; from a Reserved IP connects, the DNAS will force the person
; listening for the longest time off to make room for the new
; connection.
; RIPOnly, when set to Yes, will only allow IP addresses listed in the Reserved
; IP list to connect and relay. All other connections for listening will be
; This is really only useful for servers whose sole purpose is to provide the
; primary feed to all public relays. Setting this value to Yes also forces the
; server into Private mode, since listing this server in the directory would
; be pointless. Default is No.
; RIPOnly=No
; *****************************
; Extended Logging
; *****************************
; The old features previously at this location, HistoryLog and CurrentLog, are
; no longer used and succeded by W3C Logging and XML, respectively.
; ***************************
; Mass Configuration
; ***************************
; Unique: assigns a variable name for use in any config item which points to a
; file. Useful for servers running lots of SHOUTcast servers that have similar
; configuration parameters, excepting logfile names, banfile names, etc. Any
; parameter that takes a pathname can include the character $, which will
; substitute $ for the variable assigned here. Keep in mind that the unique
; variable can only be used after it is defined, so don't try to use a unique
; variable substitution in a path before you define it. For example, you
; could set:
; Unique=my_server
; and then define Log=/usr/local/shoutcast/$.log in an included configuration
; file. Default is Unique=$, so that by default any file with $ in the name
; won't substitute anything at all.
; Include: instructs the sc_serv to read from the named configuration file,
; *at the point of insertion of the Include statement*, and process as though
; the included file was part of itself. Note that all configuration parameters
; in the DNAS config file are processed first to last, so if an item is defined
; twice in a configuration, the last item to process will be the one that takes
; effect. For this reason, it's usually a good idea to use the Includes first
; in a config file.
; example:
; Include=/usr/local/shoutcast/common.conf
; Default is not applicable.
; *****************************
; Tweaks
; *****************************
; CpuCount is used to explicitly limit the DNAS to dominating a finite
; amount of processors in multiprocessor systems. By default,
; SHOUTcast creates one thread for every processor it detects in the
; host system, and assigns listeners equally across all the threads.
; In the event SHOUTcast doesn't correctly determine the number of
; CPUs in your host, or if you for whatever reason want to force
; the DNAS to not use other processors, you can say so here.
; Default behavior is to use as many processors as the DNAS detects on
; your system.
; CpuCount=1
; Sleep defines the granularity of the client threads for sending data.
; DNAS 1.7.0, per client thread, will send up to 1,024 bytes of data
; per socket (or less depending on the window available), and then
; sleep for the provided duration before repeating the whole process.
; Note that making this value smaller will vastly increase CPU usage on
; your machine. Increasing reduces CPU, but increasing this value too far
; will cause skips. The value which seems most optimal for 128kbps
; streaming is 833 (833 microseconds per client poll) on our test labs.
; We wouldn't recommend setting it any lower than 100, or any higher than
; 1,024. If you have a slower machine, set this number lower to fix
; skips.
; Default value is 833.
; Sleep=833
; CleanXML strips some whitespace and linefeeds from XML output which
; confuses some (poorly written) XML parsers. If you get XML rendering errors,
; try turning this on. Default is No (off).
; CleanXML=No
Original comment by
on 19 Dec 2011 at 10:13
Please try latest BETA - it is fairly well tested by me, and the main change is
with Lame encoder
Original comment by
on 19 Dec 2011 at 10:48
[deleted comment]
Thanks! Hope it helps. I just downloaded this beta. I'll implement it later
this week during being off-line at night. I won't ennoy my listeners right now
with streaming husteling. :-)
Original comment by
on 19 Dec 2011 at 1:52
Hi I found a new lame_enc.dll (dated november 28 2012)Can I simple copy it over
the old one?
Original comment by
on 22 Dec 2011 at 2:12
Hi! This morning I started my station with your latest beta version and the
newest lame_cc.dll. Unfortunately no improvements in time delay aspects.
(sending/receiving signal) I'm sorry but I'll stop testing for a while and will
go back to the old 3.2.1 edcast version again. Regards, Hank
Original comment by
on 23 Dec 2011 at 11:41
i am trying to put an icecast player to my website but when i'm connecting i
get this message:
"Requires a username and password from The page
says: "Icecast2 Server"
i have mount /listen.mp3 is all ok.
why ask me for username and password? do you have any idea to help me?
thanks kostas
Original comment by
on 13 Sep 2012 at 1:44
Original comment by
on 9 Feb 2013 at 2:43
Original issue reported on by
on 16 Dec 2011 at 4:43