DugarRishab / Algo.io

From solutions of Leet code in various languages to list of important algorithms for developers, we have everything
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[FEATURE]: Directory for algorithms #46

Open thevyomonaut opened 1 year ago

thevyomonaut commented 1 year ago


I would like to add a new directory to list algorithms, starting with merge sort.


Will provide a one-stop for all major algorithms


Directory will contain list of all algorithms, along with a sample problem.

DugarRishab commented 1 year ago

Thanks @thevyomonaut for showing interest in this repo. Why don't you start with this until more people joins. I am assigning this issue to you.

Aanya9693 commented 1 year ago

Hey! Can you assign this issue to me? I would like to contribute in C++.

DugarRishab commented 1 year ago

@thevyomonaut can you please make the directory so that others can start contributing too? Also, make a list of all the algorithms you want to put (maybe a list of 10 for now) and put it in the description.

thevyomonaut commented 1 year ago

I'm working on it.

RP2025 commented 1 year ago

I would like to add a list of searching algos using python (I will try to add algos with different time complexity ). Kindly assign me this

DugarRishab commented 1 year ago

@thevyomonaut any updates? yeah @RP2025 go ahead with your contributions. But wait for @thevyomonaut to create the proper directory.

MehakGupta1103 commented 1 year ago

I would like to contribute my dp algorithms, can you please assign this task to me @DugarRishab

DugarRishab commented 1 year ago

Hey @MehakGupta1103, go ahead and contribute.

bhawarth-garg commented 1 year ago

hey @DugarRishab I would like to add searching algorithms. Can you please assign this task to me.

PrateekParmar01 commented 1 year ago

I would like add single source shortest path algorithms for graphs, please assign this task to me @DugarRishab