MB core will have multiple users sending deliveries. Due to the current structure of coming from individual users email addresses, they'd like to have these emails CC'ed to a group account.
After discussing with @johnbradley, we identified a few pieces to improve
Emails sent should come from a single address (e.g. noreply@datadelivery.genome.duke.edu)
Email template sets should be able to set a reply-to address for emails sent with their templates (e.g. templates for core XYZ could have a reply-to address of corexyz@duke.edu)
Email template sets should be able to provide a CC address for all emails sent with their templates
Emails sent should use that reply-to address as appropriate (e.g. on emails sent to delivery recipients but not on emails sent back to the sender notifying of acceptance)
MB core will have multiple users sending deliveries. Due to the current structure of coming from individual users email addresses, they'd like to have these emails CC'ed to a group account.