Duke-Jones / RegulatedNoise

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eddn subscriber exceptions log and dump #67

Closed SvenSiwek closed 9 years ago

SvenSiwek commented 9 years ago


suddenly I received repeated Messages as in pic https://www.dropbox.com/s/npjslv9f03j9as6/dumpmessage.PNG?dl=0

I do have a rather big >500MB dump file on my disk. But I do have also this https://www.dropbox.com/s/y7cmua8y3ougdcx/Exception_2015-05-25%2019-30-55ee9c168b-9d70-4bfe-aaff-0951cc8b9f92.log?dl=0 and this https://www.dropbox.com/s/gkpu0hpa20uizmt/EddnSubscriber_2015-05-25%2016-33-073646e013-323e-4acb-a304-bf1d2e746b5f.log?dl=0

Let me know If you still need the big dumpfile.


Duke-Jones commented 9 years ago

No, I think it's not needed. Is it everytime you start sending to EDDN or did RN working a time and after a number of sendings the error occurs ?

Have you tried to restart RN ?

SvenSiwek commented 9 years ago

no, till now it is a single incident. I restarted the app and all was fine. Sven

Duke-Jones commented 9 years ago

seems to be a mysterious one-time error - nothing serious I close this issue