Duke-Jones / RegulatedNoise

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Crash after OCRing - RegulatedNoiseDump #83

Closed tsk2tsk closed 8 years ago

tsk2tsk commented 9 years ago

Having issues with RegulatedNoise after updating to Windows 10.

Was working before upgrade. Re-downloaded and re-installed, crashed after first OCR attempt

Dropbox dump file: https://db.tt/zMfJZfMc

Duke-Jones commented 9 years ago

The message says "Could not find file 'C:\Users\Michael\Pictures\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Screenshot_0010.bmp'."

Has the path changed ?

tsk2tsk commented 9 years ago

Hmm... Well, that was not what it should have been. Let me see if I can get a proper link...


If that does not work, let me know and I will try a non dropbox link. :

I am an idiot... Never clicked the link in the verification email, so nothing was being shared. I did and now the link is...


Duke-Jones commented 9 years ago

hehe, a small misunderstanding ;-) I've already got the dump file and I've analysed it with following result:

"Could not find file 'C:\Users\Michael\Pictures\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Screenshot_0010.bmp'."

Seems a path on your system has changed

tsk2tsk commented 9 years ago

Made a newly unzipped copy of the program, Set directory to the Frontier Elite products directory. Select OCR calibration "Calibrate" , It opens the proper directory at this time 'C:\Users\Michael\Pictures\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous' Choose Screenshot_0002 to calibrate from. Calibrate

And then I realized that I am about quite a few hops from the closest star with any type of station....


Okay, arrived at a star system with a station... And it seems to be working. Hmm...

I will try and return to the stations where I was having issues, and will update if I have issue again.

Duke-Jones commented 8 years ago

closed due to focusing on MySQL branch (https://github.com/Duke-Jones/RegulatedNoise/tree/MySQL)