Duke-M-commits / Translation_ShortestTripToEarth_English

English translation files for Shortest Trip to Earth
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ver1.7typo #8

Open eithallkats opened 2 years ago

eithallkats commented 2 years ago

line No. at tsv files

3 P self-destructing warp beacon.prefab 4756[wawelength]→[wavelength]

4 Pi cactibugs, steal T.prefab 5129[Suc-click]→[Sus-click]

5 P conflict remains x4.prefab 5358,5359[ordinance]→[ordnance]

5 P shipwreck squid mo orbital mines.prefab P precursor Megacity ruins MTr.prefab 5486,5665[synthethic]→[synthetic]

Ambusher L1 Solipsist small.prefab Ambusher L2 Solipsist medium.prefab tester ambuser.prefab or Main quest FSM.prefab 7004,7005,7136,7137,7499[Solipsist]→[Solipisist] or 11136[Solipisist]→[Solipsist]

Human repairman description pool.prefab 12217[bat]→[bad] Human scientist description pool.prefab 12276[though]→[thought]

There are suspected contradictions in the description of the same events. It could be on deferent branches. But I doubt it.

5 P primcyanide life, E.prefab 5451[The planet has a delicate, cyanide-based ecosystem, so organics from here are worthless. The surface is covered with fragile cyanide plants, no animal life or sentience seems to have evolved yet. Preliminary research suggests this place might have some valuable minerals. Send probes to evaluate mining prospects?] 5461[Our bots carefully replanted or relocated each organism on the mining site that met a specific size criteria. A few small animals were accidentally killed by the clumsy handling of our bots. Our technology is not perfect yet.] -[no animal life or sentience seems to have evolved yet] -[A few small animals were accidentally killed] 5461[animals]→[lives]or[plants]

5 Pi nuclear digital militants MFE 2.prefab 5561[The planet is inhabited by a digital-era civilization of avians which seem to be highly militarized. When we get close to the atmosphere, the locals send us a warning to get away from their property or else.] 5569[Our operatives successfully infiltrated the society of the militaristic mammals. They were horrified to see the level of suffering that such a violence-based leadership produces in a civilization. At least now these poor fools have less stuff to kill each other with.] -[civilization of avians] -[militaristic mammals] 5569[mammals]→[avians]