DukeCityDigital / mysurveys

Angular frontend for MySurveys
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After completing the study, participants should be brought back to the mysurveys tab #140

Closed tamaravdd closed 3 years ago

tamaravdd commented 3 years ago

After completing the study on unipark, participants are brought to an empty dashboard page, they should instead be brought to the mysurveys tab (https://mysurveys.santafe.edu/dashboard/my-projects) to see that they did finish the survey and are waiting on their payment. @DukeCityDigital

DukeCityDigital commented 3 years ago

@tamaravdd In the UniPark survey configuration we need to change the 'Return URL' to the mysurveys project page - if you can switch it to this we can do a check and make sure https://mysurveys.santafe.edu/dashboard/my-projects&id= Currently it is set to: https://mysurveys.santafe.edu/Return.php&id=