DukeLupus / dlFilter

dlFilter is a text filtering script for mIRC. It is created with both chat and file sharing channels in mind. dlFilter removes ads, requests, annoying KeepTrack, mp3 play & away messages and much more. Also, dlFilter can send notices from fileservers to separate window and group @find results, allowing them to be easily viewed.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Issue with options dialog when Windows Display scaling > 100% #72

Closed cstantech closed 6 years ago

cstantech commented 6 years ago

The tab opens but its compacted so I cannot see anything and I am unable to widen the window to seem more to change any settings for the filter. I thought it might be my display settings since this system is a 4k display so I tried a 1024 x 768 but its still not working and yes I even tried the latest dlfilter and the same problem.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

I suspect that this is an issue of mIRC on 4k screens and dialogs. It is possible that there are some dialog settings that I can fix or mIRC setttings that you can change, or you might need to try setting Windows 10 Settings / System / Display / Custom Scaling to see if that helps (even temporarily as it may have other consequence on how stuff looks on your 4K display).

  1. We need screen shots to see what you mean.

  2. What version of mIRC are you running? Ditto Windows? Also (just in case it is a driver issue) please advise what screen it is and what your graphics card and drivers are.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

P.S. Can you also please run the following command on mIRC on your 4K display and on your 1024 x 768 display and post the results here:

//echo -ac Normal width $window(-1).w height $window(-1).h / dbuw $dbuw dbuh $dbuh

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

OK - I have checked what mIRC says about showing dialogs at a consistent size regardless of screen pixel size (Use Option dbu) and we already do that. So this seems likely to be a mIRC issue. Please send me the info I have asked for and I will pursue it.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

Does this only happen when you right-click and choose options or also when you use other ways of opening the dialog e.g. from the menu "Commands / dlFilter / Options"?

cstantech commented 6 years ago


cstantech commented 6 years ago

Yes when I right click and click on options. The smaller window for the options for the filter is completely inert with only minimize and close working. Forgot to add that I have tried with the resolution set far lower and the window remains largely inert except for the minimize and close and one or two check mark areas I can see but it will not let me resize it nor maximize it and the list option for maximize when I checked is also grayed out so overall a very weird issue.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

The Options dialog is not resizeable - mIRC dialogs are fixed size.

Please post picture of mIRC and dialog box on a lower resolution screen, and provide all the other information requested.

cstantech commented 6 years ago

Windows 10 home on a dell 7559 i5 cpu and latest version of mirc and here is a pic with windows set to 1024x768 https://ibb.co/nmuJee

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

Please provide screen shot WITH dialog showing.

Please provide all information requested.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

P.S. I am giving up my time to try to work with you on this even though it is a mIRC problem rather than with my script, and I am both disappointed and frustrated with the slow responses and lack of information. Without this information I cannot work with the author of mIRC to get this fixed and will then have to close this issue unresolved.

cstantech commented 6 years ago

The second screenshot i posted already has the results from the //echo -ac Normal width $window(-1).w height $window(-1).h / dbuw $dbuw dbuh $dbuh Unless of course I did something wrong (would not be the first time) as for changing resolution including scaling it had zero effect as far as allowing me to view the contents of the options tab.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago
  1. Please post output from the //echo -ac Normal width $window(-1).w height $window(-1).h / dbuw $dbuw dbuh $dbuh as text.

  2. Please run it on both 4K and 1024x768.

  3. Please post a screen shot of the dialog box on 1024x768.

  4. Please post details of your graphics card and graphics driver versions.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago
  1. Please post details of your Windows 10 version i.e. 1703 / 1709 / 1803 etc. and your Windows Settings / System / Display / Scale (Change the size of text, apps and other items).

  2. Have you adjusted your windows theme font sizes or your mIRC fonts instead of using display scaling as in 5.?

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

P.S. At this point it appears that I think this issue is worth fixing more than the OP does. If I don't get the information I need in the next day or so, I am going to close this issue and stop trying to help.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago
  1. Please edit the dlFilters script and go to c. line 3715 and change
    option dbu notheme


    option dbu

    and see if it makes any difference to the dialog / font sizes.

cstantech commented 6 years ago

Windows 10 Home version 1803 Usual resolution is 3840x2160 Scaling is at 250% As for mirc fonts no, I honestly never have messed with those settings inside mirc as I have never had a need to mess with them as my mirc is almost always stock default except for dlfilter. 4K below width 3840 height 2160 / dbuw 2.5 dbuh 2.5 1024x768 below with link to a link to pic of the the options tab (which is what I assume you meant when you asked for the dialog if not please do not shoot me) width 2560 height 1920 / dbuw 2.5 dbuh 2.5 https://ibb.co/cppDze

Laptop has two video cards an Intel HD 530 driver version as well as a Nvidia GTX 960M driver version I tried editing the file as per your request and nothing changed there also. I think I will try a complete uninstall of mirc now followed by cleaning my registry and then reboot and reinstall an older one and try the script then because the only thing thats changed with the system other than some drivers in the past year was I updated Mirc itself to the newest version. My apologies for being such a hassle to deal with also but I do want to say I do appreciate your efforts to help me Sophist-UK.

cstantech commented 6 years ago

Update: Downgraded to older 6.35 version of and installed filter and the filter works perfect but as soon as I upgrade Mirc to the newest version its back to being unable to access the options tab however as soon as I downgrade it will allow me to access all the options clear as day. Not that the filter works of course with the older version but I can atleast see all the tabs and areas to checkmark now. Tried 7.44 as well and it still is messing up the options like before in my screenshots.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the extra information, but this is your last chance to do as I ask before I close this:

Req 1. / 2. Your output from the //echo -ac Normal width $window(-1).w height $window(-1).h / dbuw $dbuw dbuh $dbuh at 1024x768 is width 2560 height 1920 / dbuw 2.5 dbuh 2.5. This says the resolution is 2560x1920 not 1024x768. Please clarify and if you can produce a screen shot and output for 1024x768.

Req 2. Please post a screen shot of the dialog box on 1024x768.

Req 5. Please post details of your Windows 10 version i.e. 1703 / 1709 / 1803 etc. and your Windows Settings / System / Display / Scale (Change the size of text, apps and other items).

Req 6. Have you adjusted your windows theme font sizes or your mIRC fonts instead of using display scaling as in 5.?


Req 7. Please state which graphics card mIRC is using.

Req 8. Please state whether you are using Windows screen resolution to downgrade the resolution to 1024x768 / 2560x1920 or whether you have a separate screen with 1024x768 / 2560x1920 as native.

cstantech commented 6 years ago

I think I might have figured out what was happening. I had set it as you requested to the resolution of 1024x768 in windows and it was giving me the results I posted above and when then I set it to 800x600 again via windows it gave me width 2000 height 1500 / dbuw 2.5 dbuh 2.5 in Mirc. That got me thinking.......what if it was an issue with the nvidia gpu? I mean sure its not the primary gpu but its still part of the system so I checked the driver options via the nvidia control panel and saw that the on the Global Settings tab under Preferred Graphics Processor it was set to the nvidia card so when I changed it to automatic and rebooted the filter loaded properly in Mirc.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

Ok - so it is working on Intel graphics but not on nVidia. If your laptop is anything like mine, then you want default graphics to be intel in order to preserve battery life.

We can also see something happening here:

You set resolution to 800x600 and it shows 2000x1500 dbu 2.5 - and 2000 is 2.5x 800 and 1500 is 2.5x 600. Similarly, 2560 is 2.5x 1024 and 1920 is 2.5x768.

What happens when you set mIRC to launch on nVidia when default is Intel?

Also, please answer all previous questions in full - so we can try to work out what is going on.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

When you give full answers, please describe EXACTLY what screen you are using (model, native resolution, windows resolution), output from the echo command and whether the dialog is correct or squashed.

cstantech commented 6 years ago

Well it was working LOL. I did all that and thought great so installed updated mirc and checked and it was working fine then changed my resolution back to the higher one and rebooted and its back do doing the same thing of being small and unable to access it. Going to change the resolution to the lower one now, reboot for it to take total effect and then run mirc and post the results for that command line.

cstantech commented 6 years ago

Ok rebooted after changing resolution and Mirc and filter working fine at this lower resolution and results are width 1024 height 768 / dbuw 2 dbuh 2 Maybe it just really hates that higher resolution?

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

For the last time of asking, please provide FULL information not a brief description.

cstantech commented 6 years ago

It looks like its a scaling issue. Setting it at 100% and then relogging mirc and the filter is fine however if I raise the resolution to max and then allow windows to run its 250% scaling the filter goes wonkers. If I keep the resolution but lower the scaling to 100% the filter works fine but its not very usable since everything is so tiny lol Also I tried raising the scaling slowly and the tab contents of the filter gradually disappear as I raise the scaling. If you want I will post a screen shot of it set at 100,175 and 200 so you can see though it will take me few minutes as I will need to relog to have it take effect properly each time I found.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

Ok - I have asked several times for full details and you only give general descriptions which are insufficient to diagnose and fix the problem - so I am closing this. If you decide to post full details I may reopen it.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

I am reopening this because I have now managed to reproduce this on my own non-4K laptop. It is to do with custom scaling.

@cstantech If you had provided the full details when I asked, we could have got to this point MUCH faster than we did.

My testing suggests that your best bet until there is a mIRC fix is NOT to use Windows "Custom Scaling", but that you should be able to use the dropdown non-custom scaling OK - try 175% and see if it is usable.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

I have now completed testing this and display scaling breaks mirc dialogs. It is a mIRC bug.

So now closing this issue as it is not fixable by me.

SanderSade commented 6 years ago

I wonder if it is worth notifying Khaled/mIRC about this issue? Although, the chances are that it is a known bug, and not worth fixing...

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

@SanderSade https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/263634/Dialog_on_4K_screen

@cstantech Immediate scaling change using dropdowns is not working correctly in Windows 10 1709. After reboot / signout this issue still occurs. On my PC at 125% it is still readable, but that is possibly more luck that it is not too distorted to be read than anything else.

SanderSade commented 6 years ago

@Sophist-UK good find - seems, though, that this is rare enough that Khaled doesn't care or cannot reproduce.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

@cstantech Found that on Windows 10 1703 onwards there is a compatibility setting for DPI issues. I will try this when I am back at my laptop, but you may also want to try it.


Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

@SanderSade I hope I have given Khaled enough info about HighDPI support to engage his interest in supporting it properly.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

@cstantech Using the compatibility settings above (or the All Users version), select the Override high DPI scaling behaviour. checkbox and select System (Enhanced) and see if this helps when you have scaling set. (System also works but does it by emulating a lower resolution and fonts are blurred.)

P.S. I have tweaked the dialogue slightly as the bottom of a second line of a wrapped string was being cut off by minor variations in layout.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

Khaled has informed me of undocumented dialog functionality that substantially improves dialog scaling.

I have made the script changes and tested it and it seems to work. I just need to tweak the code a little further and I will let you have a link to download and test (don't forget to undo the compatibility changes if you have applied them as described above).

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

@cstantech Please download and try code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DukeLupus/dlFilter/dialog-option-map/dlFilter.mrc to see if this fixes the issue without needing the compatibility settings above.

If you confirm it fixes the issue I will merge this.

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

@cstantech Please respond within the next day or so - otherwise I will merge this regardless of whether it make your own situation better or worse

Sophist-UK commented 6 years ago

Since @cstantech didn't respond, I have now merged the fix for high resolution displays.