Dukweeno / Duckuino

Simple DuckyScript to Arduino C converter.
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BE keyboard layout problem #88

Closed Maxlanglet closed 4 years ago

Maxlanglet commented 5 years ago

I just received my malduino today and the setup went perfectly, now that I try to run my first script, I see that a lot of characters are misplaced on my keyboard or simply appears non-existent. I am using the BE layout, I tried also FR and DE layout but with no success in helping my cause. For example, I can't find where ">" and "<" are when compiling my code. I don't know if it's because I have a Mac, but I can't seem to find a solution. Does anybody have a fix for this ?

So he's what I found concerning the characters on the French and Belgian keyboard layout, the first line is what is expected, the second is what is written : BE: !"#$%&'()+,-./0123456789:;<=>?[]^_{|}~ @!""$%&'()+,-./0123456789:;@=#?(@$(_'&à126 à

We see that at first almost every thing stays the same except for # --> "and that the same problem lies for both layouts. For numbers every thing is fine as expected, but then things go south. I don't really understand the Keyboard.cpp code that comes with every conversion so I can't change it myself. If someone can help it would be greatly appreciated !

Maxlanglet commented 5 years ago

Here's the code concerning the keyboard :

#define SHIFT 0x80
const uint8_t _asciimap[128] =
   0x00,             // NUL
   0x00,             // SOH
   0x00,             // STX
   0x00,             // ETX
   0x00,             // EOT
   0x00,             // ENQ
   0x00,             // ACK
   0x00,             // BEL
   0x2a,      // BS  Backspace
   0x2b,      // TAB  Tab
   0x28,      // LF  Enter
   0x00,             // VT
   0x00,             // FF
   0x00,             // CR
   0x00,             // SO
   0x00,             // SI
   0x00,             // DEL
   0x00,             // DC1
   0x00,             // DC2
   0x00,             // DC3
   0x00,             // DC4
   0x00,             // NAK
   0x00,             // SYN
   0x00,             // ETB
   0x00,             // CAN
   0x00,             // EM
   0x00,             // SUB
   0x00,             // ESC
   0x00,             // FS
   0x00,             // GS
   0x00,             // RS
   0x00,             // US
   0x2c,       //  ' '
   0x25,           // !
   0x20,          // "
   0x20,          // #
   0x30,          // $
   0x34|SHIFT,    // %
   0x1e,          // &
   0x21,          // '
   0x22,          // (
   0x2d,          // )
   0x30|SHIFT,          // *
   0x38|SHIFT,    // +
   0x10,          // ,
   0x2e,          // -
   0x36|SHIFT,    // .
   0x37|SHIFT,    // /
   0x27|SHIFT,    // 0
   0x1e|SHIFT,    // 1
   0x1f|SHIFT,    // 2
   0x20|SHIFT,    // 3
   0x21|SHIFT,    // 4
   0x22|SHIFT,    // 5
   0x23|SHIFT,    // 6
   0x24|SHIFT,    // 7
   0x25|SHIFT,    // 8
   0x26|SHIFT,    // 9
   0x37,            // :
   0x36,          // ;
   0x64,            // <
   0x38,          // =
   0x64|SHIFT,      // >
   0x10|SHIFT,      // ?
   0x27,            // @
   0x14|SHIFT,      // A
   0x05|SHIFT,      // B
   0x06|SHIFT,      // C
   0x07|SHIFT,      // D
   0x08|SHIFT,      // E
   0x09|SHIFT,      // F
   0x0a|SHIFT,      // G
   0x0b|SHIFT,      // H
   0x0c|SHIFT,      // I
   0x0d|SHIFT,      // J
   0x0e|SHIFT,      // K
   0x0f|SHIFT,      // L
   0x33|SHIFT,      // M
   0x11|SHIFT,      // N
   0x12|SHIFT,      // O
   0x13|SHIFT,      // P
   0x04|SHIFT,      // Q
   0x15|SHIFT,      // R
   0x16|SHIFT,      // S
   0x17|SHIFT,      // T
   0x18|SHIFT,      // U
   0x19|SHIFT,      // V
   0x1d|SHIFT,      // W
   0x1b|SHIFT,      // X
   0x1c|SHIFT,      // Y
   0x1a|SHIFT,      // Z
   0x22,          // [
   0x64,          // bslash
   0x30,          // ]
   0x22,          // ^
   0x2e|SHIFT,          // _
   0x24,          // `
   0x14,          // a
   0x05,          // b
   0x06,          // c
   0x07,          // d
   0x08,          // e
   0x09,          // f
   0x0a,          // g
   0x0b,          // h
   0x0c,          // i
   0x0d,          // j
   0x0e,          // k
   0x0f,          // l
   0x33,          // m
   0x11,          // n
   0x12,          // o
   0x13,          // p
   0x04,          // q
   0x15,          // r
   0x16,          // s
   0x17,          // t
   0x18,          // u
   0x19,          // v
   0x1d,          // w
   0x1b,          // x
   0x1c,          // y
   0x1a,          // z
   0x21,    // {
   0x1e,    // |
   0x27,    // }
   0x38,    // ~
   0        // DEL

// Init var
bool _altGrMap[128];
bool _altFine = false;

// Individually define all needed char
void initAltGr() {
  _altFine = true;

  _altGrMap[35] = true; // #
  _altGrMap[64] = true; // @
  _altGrMap[91] = true; // [
  _altGrMap[92] = true; // bslash fixed
  _altGrMap[93] = true; // ]
  _altGrMap[96] = true; // `
  _altGrMap[123] = true; // {
  _altGrMap[124] = true; // | fixed
  _altGrMap[125] = true; // } fixed
  _altGrMap[127] = true; // ~
lowlevl commented 5 years ago

Hello @Maxlanglet, the issue lies in the Mac Keyboard layout, there is no AltGr keys on Macs, so you need to modify it according to your keyboard. I'll suggest you starting from a standard English QWERTY keyboard, because macs are using almost the same layouts as the standard QWERTY in thier AZERTY keyboards, after that, you'll need to swap keys in the array in order to make it work as intended !

lowlevl commented 4 years ago

Closed due to inactivity.

Martznip commented 4 years ago

Hey need help !!! when STRING azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn i get qwertyuiopasdfghjkl,zxcvbn (really written with malduino elite) same problem wit he the keyboard.cpp (wich is correct looking the arduino scancode...) (i'm a french guy)