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imapfilter: Mailbox doesn't exist #14

Open hanjo opened 2 weeks ago

hanjo commented 2 weeks ago


I have an issue with imapfilter: imapfilter: IMAP (3): 1004 NO Mailbox doesn't exist: INBOX.INBOX.Ham (0.001 + 0.000 secs).

The error results in messages I moved to the "ham" folder not to be moved back into the inbox.

This is my configuration:

        "folders": {
                "spam": "INBOX.Junk",
                "ham": "INBOX.Ham",
                "sent": "INBOX.Sent",
                "inbox": "INBOX"

I need to define the folders as INBOX., because that is the way my mailprovider has configured things (I find that weird, but there is nothing I can do about it). If I leave the INBOX. out, isbg cannot find / access the folder.

As you can see from the error message, somehow the mailbox "ham" is appended to "inbox", resulting in INBOX.INBOX.Ham. I checked the spamTrainer.lua file to see if some concatenation is happening there, but it doesn't seem to be. My conclusion of this is that isbg needs the explicit folder name where imapfilter somehow automatically deducts the necessary prefix, but then has it doubled.

As a workaround, I introduced a second folder variable "ham2": "Ham", and altered line 35 of spamTrainer.lua to use config.folders.ham2. This works fine, but I find it rather ugly.

Since I have no better idea at the moment, I wanted to report this issue.

BTW, another small issue I found is in listFolders.lua where the ssl = "ssl3" is missing in the imapObj.

hanjo commented 2 weeks ago

I just realized, it really should be ssl = "tls1.2" in all of the .lua files...