DumpsterDave / FS22_PriceWatcher

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attempt to concatenate local 'price' (a nil value) #4

Closed Yiddan closed 2 years ago

Yiddan commented 2 years ago

Hello dave ! I think i have an issue related to PriceWatcher. My Elmcreek only loads if i disable the mod. I got this error in the log: MODS/FS22_PriceWatcher/priceWatcher.lua:144: attempt to concatenate local 'price' (a nil value) image

It may be related to an incompatibility with another mod? I honestly cannot really tell for sure. The only other "script" mod i enabled before it stopped working is Guidance Steering log.txt

I'll try to do more tests (aka trying to disable a few other mods, see if it can help :p )

edit I just tried loading this save with GuidanceSteering & ProSeed disabled but PriceWatcher enabled. No success xD

edit 2 With only PriceWatcher enabled, still no load and a different error: 2022-03-18 17:25 Error: Running LUA method 'update'. dataS/scripts/misc/Logging.lua(41) : bad argument #4 to 'format' (no value)

DumpsterDave commented 2 years ago

Can you post a copy of your priceWatcher.xml file from your savegame folder?

Yiddan commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the answer delay, here is the file : priceWatcher.xml.txt )

DumpsterDave commented 2 years ago

Can you move the priceWatcher.xml out of the savegame directory and try to start without the file present?

Yiddan commented 2 years ago

I just tried that, and the save loads normally.

Yiddan commented 2 years ago

Could it have anything to do with fact that i have some mods that add "new" types of productions? I think i just get those recently... image

DumpsterDave commented 2 years ago

Most likely. That or one that was present at some point, but isn't anymore. It looks like it's picking up the additional ones correctly. Should be a simple fix though.

DumpsterDave commented 2 years ago

give release a try. Let me know if that resolves the issue.

Yiddan commented 2 years ago

Thanks, i will report back asap :)

Edit: My game has loaded perfectly, ill make sure to come back to you if i have any issue again later. Thank you for helping & fixing the mod ;)

(As a sidenote, PriceWatcher doesnt seem to track/report any custom/new product prices. Do you think that could be possible? I suppose with time, players will have more and more products added by mods, and imo it would be great if pricewatcher could natively support that)

DumpsterDave commented 2 years ago

In theory it should track anything that is in the game tables (native or otherwise). Open a new issue for that and I'll mark it as an enhancement/feature request. If you have any specific mods that you are using, please list them too so that I can use them as a reference/functionality check.

Yiddan commented 2 years ago

I opened and read through my pricewatchter.xml file, and i saw that "some" of the custom products my current mods add are currently properly tracked. I should have done that before asking about it so sorry for asking. I think i just didnt play long enough to see those items in the hourly notifications. But, if i notice any issue relative to that subject ill make sure to open a new topic as you asked me to ;)

FirenzeIT commented 9 months ago

Hello @DumpsterDave, it's possible to update this mod with last update of game and with last crop/fruits please?? Thank you.