DuneSt / MaterialDesignLite

This project prime goal is to bind the google's Material Design Lite project to Seaside and as second goal to build widgets on top of Material Design to help Seaside developers to create web applications with material design faster.
MIT License
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http://localhost:8080/MDLDemo is raising an error #321

Open Ducasse opened 1 year ago

Ducasse commented 1 year ago

In Pharo 10 with Seaside v3.4.8 and MDL v2.2.1 This is because when there is a loading error class initialize are not executed so singleton are returning nil It would be better to protect them with ifNil: self initialize.

Ducasse commented 1 year ago

May be this is linked with a problem with Seaside v3.4.8 and I will retry with v3.4.7