DuroSoft / XJoy

Use Nintendo Switch JoyCons as a virtual Xbox 360 controller in Windows
MIT License
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Joycon don't work in every game #64

Open DarkLink46 opened 3 years ago

DarkLink46 commented 3 years ago


First off, I'd like to say that this software was a godsend to me last year, as I usually play pc games using an Xbox controller, but over time they started experiencing drift issues with the analog sticks. I stumbled across this last year, downloaded, connected my joycon to my laptop and was immediately able to dive in to any game and start playing happily.

Towards the end of the year, my laptop broke and I spent a while looking for a new one, which I finally got a week or so ago. I decided to come back to XJoy. However, this time around I'm having very little luck with it whatsoever. The joycon only seem to work with one game (Left 4 Dead 2) and all other games (that I have tested so far) generally give no responses to button presses/analog stick movements. I thought maybe I had downloaded an older version so cycled through each release with no success. One or two of them allowed 2 or 3 buttons to do anything in game (usually the A button (right joycon) and the left and down buttons (left joycon)). I think the A button and down button actually registered as the same input as they both do the same thing advancing through menus whereas the left button would return through said menus.

Having said that the joycon work with Left 4 Dead 2, there is an unusual issue even in that game where if I move the camera diagonally downwards (right stick), it moves as expected but when moving diagonally upwards, the camera slows down dramatically. I have checked if this was an issue with the joycon themselves, but all other games (on my Switch) I have tested it with show no signs of this problem.

I followed the installation instructions just like last time so I really don't know why I can't get XJoy working as well as I had before. My joycon connect via Bluetooth no problem. I get the "Successfully connected to left/right Joy-Con" messages within XJoy. Pressing buttons with the window open shows that the inputs are being registered for all inputs. But there is still either zero response from most games, or very limited response. I honestly can't figure out what I'm doing wrong...

Any help would be much appreciated.