DurtyFree / durty-cloth-tool

Durty Cloth Tool easily generates addon cloth resources for GTA 5 Singleplayer and MP mods like alt:V, FiveM or RageMP with just a couple of clicks.
101 stars 54 forks source link

Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. #218

Open devpanda0 opened 2 months ago

devpanda0 commented 2 months ago

I have the following error:

System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
   at CodeWalker.GameFiles.ResourceBuilder.Build(ResourceFileBase fileBase, Int32 version, Boolean compress)
   at CodeWalker.GameFiles.YtdFile.Save()
   at prmevtAEwMjr9V1ByGLD.KM7A8qvxIal(Object , prmevtAEwMjr9V1ByGLD )
   at fvwe2g6d52fEYW4938k.cv8T8h650qQL6ra57gM.KhB6fxhhbZ(String  , String  )
   at fvwe2g6d52fEYW4938k.cv8T8h650qQL6ra57gM.MiEAlhDkkPQ(String  , String  , String  , String  )
   at fssiOZaQ8QoRdpuGJ0S.CSWWwIadUgjyIuFkcFT.sWZEekVyiG4x9H5exxnl(Object , Object , Object , Object , Object )
   at fssiOZaQ8QoRdpuGJ0S.CSWWwIadUgjyIuFkcFT.FF2afRM8OR(iPQHpsNWc5uo2llQa5F  , String  , String  , String  , String  , ProgressDialog  )

App Version: Items: 17 project items (0C / 17D) Project targets: 2 DLC name: Tattoos Collection name: tattoos // Project path: C:\Users\chatty\Desktop\dirtyclothtool\Tattoos\clothproject_Tattoos Output path: C:\Users\chatty\Desktop\dirtyclothtool\Tattoos Disable Extra Ymt Creation: False Create Subfolder For Cloth Drawable Types: False Replace settings enabled: False // DLC: NoDlc Save File Version: 4 Last step data:

  "UvPos": {
    "X": 0.233,
    "Y": 0.6
  "Scale": {
    "X": 0.22,
    "Y": 0.21
  "Rotation": 0.0,
  "NameHash": "mp_customtattoo_101",
  "TxdHash": "mp_customtattoo_101",
  "TxtHash": "mp_customtattoo_101",
  "Zone": 5,
  "Type": 1,
  "UpdateGroup": 90,
  "TattooFacing": 2,
  "TargetGender": null,
  "DateTimeAdded": "2024-04-17T19:01:22.2661813Z",
  "OriginalFileName": "1496",
  "MainPath": "9e637f9a-6d99-4481-93a7-e5abd31ad11f.png",
  "Name": "mp_customtattoo_101",
  "Position": 16,
  "FileContentChecksum": "18727430d30dc773d433351202a8fefc"

Cloth files: [Please provide cloth files (ydd, ytd), cloth project and any other related files here + describe reproduction steps] can't upload picture because copyright

DurtyFree commented 2 weeks ago

@devpanda0 pls provide a reproduction project, feel free to send it to me via Discord @durtyfree