Here's the desktop file I'm using for Mageia's wizznic package:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Brick-matching puzzle game
GenericName=Puzzle game
This file should be installed as /usr/share/applications/wizznic.desktop.
The Icon=wizznic part will only work if an icon named wizznic.png (or wizznic.svg) is provided in at least one of these locations:
The "modern" way is to use the hicolor theme, so you could for example install data/wmicon.png to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/wizznic.png
If high-res icons are provided (see #9), you can also install them in the corresponding folders in the hicolor theme (e.g. "128x128" or "scalable").
Here's the desktop file I'm using for Mageia's wizznic package:
This file should be installed as
part will only work if an icon namedwizznic.png
) is provided in at least one of these locations:/usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps
The "modern" way is to use the hicolor theme, so you could for example install data/wmicon.png to/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/wizznic.png
If high-res icons are provided (see #9), you can also install them in the corresponding folders in the hicolor theme (e.g. "128x128" or "scalable").