DutchBlockchainCoalition / CompanyPassport

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Support HTTPs URL linked to a x509 certificate as identifier type #16

Open TimoGlastra opened 2 months ago

TimoGlastra commented 2 months ago

As described in HAIP Section 7.1: https://openid.net/specs/openid4vc-high-assurance-interoperability-profile-sd-jwt-vc-1_0.html#section-7.1

x.509 certificates: the SD-JWT VC contains the issuer's certificate along with a trust chain in the x5c JOSE header. In this case, the iss value MUST be an URL with a FQDN matching a dNSName Subject Alternative Name (SAN) [RFC5280] entry in the leaf certificate.

@nklomp I'd like to link to this in the Attestation Formats section as a possible issuer "Identifier" type for attestations