DutchDevelop / BLLEDController

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Improve MQTT json filter #13

Closed TheDutchDev closed 8 months ago

TheDutchDev commented 8 months ago

I used an MQTT sniffer to check what data the bambu printer sends and was astounded by the large payload. I also noticed almost everything is located in "print" part, so to be quite honest I'm not 100% sure how the previous filter solved things.

Either way, this improved filter should really filter out a lot of data (eg "ams" object is quite large depending on amount of AMSes, this is now filtered out and thus in the future it should no longer matter how many AMSes someone has attached to their printer as they're completely ignored).

TheDutchDev commented 8 months ago

Please note, I have NOT tested this yet. I do expect it to work though based on what the documentation of the arduino json module provides.

But please, make sure to test it prior to merging :P