DutchJelly / CraftEnhance

A Minecraft Plugin that allows server owners to create custom recipes in-game
Apache License 2.0
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Issue with some items as ingredients (itemsadder) #17

Closed ReasonGuy closed 2 years ago

ReasonGuy commented 3 years ago

so when using this plugin with itemsadder items it does a great job when they are the result. However if i add one as an ingredient then it becomes uncraftable.

Here is some info that i hope might help

nbt rip from an itemsadder item

display:{Lore:['{"extra":[{"bold":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"gray","text":"Durability: 1561 / 1561"}],"text":""}'],
Name:'{"extra":[{"bold":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"white","text":"Fire Sword"}],"text":""}'},

also i've grabbed an example from the ceh plugin

§fFire Sword:
  ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
  v: 2567
    ==: ItemMeta
    meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
    display-name: §fFire Sword
    - '§7Durability: 1561 / 1561'
    custom-model-data: 11
      FIRE_ASPECT: 10
      - ==: org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeModifier
        amount: 9.0
        name: itemsadder
        slot: HAND
        uuid: c9708b67-cd52-4069-a48a-f6a04e113f06
        operation: 0
      - ==: org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeModifier
        amount: -2.4
        name: itemsadder
        slot: HAND
        uuid: 05c56aae-bb57-4d11-a127-35cbaa4643e1
        operation: 0
    internal: H4sIAAAAAAAAAONiYOBi4MosSc0tTkxJSS1iZhDNTayITy4tLsnPjU8pLUpMyszJLKlkYGCT5GDgzEvMTS0uSExORdbDwcCUmcLAn5ZZlFpcnl+UEg8mmRkEsZrCBlSZmJ2KJOowI4UBAgBhExPKjgAAAA==

I hope something in here can help I'll try to check in if you have any questions

ReasonGuy commented 3 years ago

Oh and if you need itemsadder for testing i think i can get you a copy

DutchJelly commented 3 years ago

It appears that this issue is caused by items being stored differently.

I want this to be fixed in the next update.

DutchJelly commented 3 years ago

The api-version recently has changed, which could have resolved this issue. This'll have to be tested.

DutchJelly commented 2 years ago

I've fixed this using a hacky workaround (set make-itemsadder-compatible: true in the config). Hopefully this'll be fixed in the itemsadder plugin.