DuyNguDao / Identity-Action

The combination of face identification and action recognition for fall detection (ICT Journal)
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weight mismatch error #4

Open Tim-zhiyong opened 1 year ago

Tim-zhiyong commented 1 year ago

hello author I run your code on the cpu and it seems that I get some problems which I can't get through. could you do me a favor? as follows

False 720 1280 yolov7 running with cpu Model detect pose: yolov7_w6_pose.pt, device: cpu Model ST-GCN: D:\fall_detect\Identity-Action-master\classification_stgcn\weights\best_skip.pt, device: cpu Model face recognition: model_r18.pt, device: cpu Model detect face: yolov5_face.pt, device: cpu Model: osnet_x0_25

DuyNguDao commented 1 year ago

Can you explain the problem clearly?