DuyNguDao / ST-GCN-Pytorch

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How do I load pre-training weights? #1

Open Jesjes1233 opened 9 months ago

Jesjes1233 commented 9 months ago

on /data/create_dataset_2.py

''' from yolov7.pose import yolov7_pose from yolov7.utils.plots import plot_skeleton_kpts '''

I have noticed the function plot_skeleton_kpts, whcih is in your another project-(/Identity-Action/yolov7_pose/) but I couldn't find the first one (from yolov7.pose import yolov7_pose)

now I can't load pre-training weights, could you please help me?

Thank you!

DuyNguDao commented 9 months ago

Hi, You can get repo yolov7.pose at here: https://github.com/Thien3920/Human-Falling-Detect-YOLOv7.git