Introduce a mapping scheme that lets users map ps vita input to ds4 input manually by defining it in the config file. Mapping files for current four configurations can be provided.
Some considerations:
DS4 touchpad region is significantly smaller than PS Vita touchscreen region, so it doesn't make sense to do 1:1 area mapping.
Instead, let the user define custom rectangles on the vita (on the front or back) which would map to a part or whole of the ds4 touchpad
This would allow us to define the remaining space for virtual buttons, which would also be configurable with the mapping file.
Additional buttons for extra functions, such as triggering keyboard etc #10 can make use of these buttons.
Current configurations divide the front or back touchpad into a four regions and map a button to them, but this is uncomfortable in the case of back touchpad as it doesn't let you rest your fingers on the back and is more prone to accidentally presses.
Introduce a mapping scheme that lets users map ps vita input to ds4 input manually by defining it in the config file. Mapping files for current four configurations can be provided.
Some considerations: