Dvlv / BoxBuddyRS

A Graphical Interface for Distrobox
MIT License
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Missing Assemble "hammer" button #108

Closed Stef16Robbe closed 3 weeks ago

Stef16Robbe commented 3 weeks ago

Install method (Flatpak/Binary/Other)

Flatpak! My version is reported as 2.2.8 which is also the latest as far as I've seen.

Distrobox Version

stef@zeno ~> distrobox --version

Your Host OS

Fedora Linux 40.20240629.0 (Silverblue)

Describe your Issue

The assemble distrobox button is not showing:


It does show when I pull and build the master branch:


A reinstall did not fix the issue.

VortexAcherontic commented 3 weeks ago

This is to be expected as the flat requires additional permissions for this in order for this button to pop up. Grand BoxBuddy host access and the button should appear.

Edit: I'd like to refine my answer. Grand BoxBuddy either home or host access. Both should enable the button. For example using Flatseal.

Stef16Robbe commented 3 weeks ago

Now that you've mentioned it I see it's also in the FAQ... Sorry about that and thanks!

dennis1248 commented 3 weeks ago

I initially struggled to find an answer to this in the docs, so for people running in to this issue in the future;

For user Flatpak installs; flatpak override --filesystem=home io.github.dvlv.boxbuddyrs

For system-wide Flatpak installs; sudo flatpak override --filesystem=home io.github.dvlv.boxbuddyrs
