The following is the error I get when I try to build dockerimage
11 178.5 === Detected probe priority based on environment vars: pkg_config: false, cmake: false, vcpkg: false
#11 178.5 === Probing the OpenCV library in the following order: environment, pkg_config, cmake, vcpkg_cmake, vcpkg
#11 178.5 === Can't probe using: environment, continuing with other methods because: Some environment variables are missing
#11 178.5 === Probing OpenCV library using pkg_config
#11 178.5 === Can't probe using: pkg_config, continuing with other methods because: `"pkg-config" "--libs" "--cflags" "opencv4"` did not exit successfully: exit status: 1
#11 178.5 error: could not find system library 'opencv4' required by the 'opencv' crate
#11 178.5
#11 178.5 --- stderr
#11 178.5 Package opencv4 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
#11 178.5 Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv4.pc'
#11 178.5 to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
#11 178.5 No package 'opencv4' found
#11 178.5 , `"pkg-config" "--libs" "--cflags" "opencv"` did not exit successfully: exit status: 1
#11 178.5 error: could not find system library 'opencv' required by the 'opencv' crate
#11 178.5
#11 178.5 --- stderr
#11 178.5 Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
#11 178.5 Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
#11 178.5 to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
#11 178.5 No package 'opencv' found
#11 178.5
#11 178.5 === Probing OpenCV library using cmake
#11 178.5 === cmake ninja probe command: "cmake" "-S" "/usr/local/cargo/registry/src/" "-DOCVRS_PACKAGE_NAME=OpenCV" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" "-G" "Ninja"
#11 178.5 === Probing with cmake ninja generator failed, will try Makefile generator, error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
#11 178.5 === cmake makefiles probe command: "cmake" "-S" "/usr/local/cargo/registry/src/" "-DOCVRS_PACKAGE_NAME=OpenCV" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" "-G" "Unix Makefiles"
#11 178.5 === Probing with cmake Makefile generator failed, will try deprecated find_package, error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
#11 178.5 === cmake find-package compile probe command: "cmake" "-S" "/usr/local/cargo/registry/src/" "-DOCVRS_PACKAGE_NAME=OpenCV" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" "--find-package" "-DCOMPILER_ID=GNU" "-DLANGUAGE=CXX" "-DMODE=COMPILE" "-DNAME=OpenCV"
#11 178.5 === Can't probe using: cmake, continuing with other methods because: No such file or directory (os error 2)
#11 178.5 === Probing OpenCV library using vcpkg_cmake
#11 178.5 === Can't probe using: vcpkg_cmake, continuing with other methods because: Could not find Vcpkg tree: No vcpkg installation found. Set the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable or run 'vcpkg integrate install'
#11 178.5 === Probing OpenCV library using vcpkg
#11 178.5 === Can't probe using: vcpkg, continuing with other methods because: Could not find Vcpkg tree: No vcpkg installation found. Set the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable or run 'vcpkg integrate install', Could not find Vcpkg tree: No vcpkg installation found. Set the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable or run 'vcpkg integrate install'
#11 178.5 Error: "Failed to find installed OpenCV package using probes: environment, pkg_config, cmake, vcpkg_cmake, vcpkg, refer to for help"
#11 178.5 warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
executor failed running [/bin/sh -c cargo build --release]: exit code: 101
The following is the error I get when I try to build dockerimage