Dwarf-Planet-Project / zotero_installation

installation script for zotero dataserver
7 stars 2 forks source link

installation issues #2

Open kerstenj opened 6 years ago

kerstenj commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your work - nice job! I tried to install the zotero dataserver on a vm (we would like to use zotero in our research group) and ran into some issues. For instance, when I try to test the services with

curl -X POST -d "version=9&username=testuser&password=testuser" http://zoterovm:80/login I get


404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL /login was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server at zoterovm Port 80

However, when I just do

curl -X POST -d "version=9&username=testuser&password=testuser" http://zoterovm I get

It works!

This is the default web page for this server.

The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

When I check the running databases in mysql, I get

+--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | zotero_ids | | zotero_master | | zotero_shards | | zotero_www | +--------------------+

I thing my issue is related to some settings in dbconnect.inc.php and config.inc.php. Do you have any suggestions how to solve this? I am not sure about some settings in the config file, for example

public static $SYNC_DOMAIN = ''; In http://git.27o.de/dataserver/about/Installation-Instructions-for-Debian-Wheezy.md they set this to 'sync'. In http://signalverarbeitung.blogspot.com/2012/08/zotero-data-server-installation.html they use public static $SYNC_DOMAIN = ''; Setting it to either sync or '' didn't changed anything in the behavior.

Any suggestions on how to fix that would be helpful. Thanks and best regards Jens

hoehnp commented 6 years ago

Hi Jens, sorry for the late reply. I am looking into the issue and will come back to you once I figured out the solution.

Best Regards, Patrick

kerstenj commented 6 years ago

Hi Patrick, no worries - I managed to set up a docker container with the service using https://github.com/gfacciol/zotero_dataserver-docker. However, both solutions don't support Zotero 5. That's why I currently try to find another solution. Any hints towards this direction from your side would be helpful. Thanks and best regards Jens

hoehnp commented 6 years ago

Hi Jens,

actually I had a similar goal for myself. A docker based starting point for Zotero 5 could be https://github.com/mrtcode/zotero-server Would you be interested to work together to get it running?

Best Regards, Patrick

kerstenj commented 6 years ago

Nice idea, but to be honest I think that I am not the right person for that. I am a user and rather a developer of such a solution (it should just support my (and my groups) research). Btw.: if you check the issue on mrtcode's repo you will see that I was also in contact with him. I tried to use this solution, but installing failed and I could't fix that. Good news: during the next month there will probably be a first updated version.

Best regards Jens