DxCx / plugin.video.9anime

plugin.video.9anime - 9Anime plugin for kodi
GNU General Public License v3.0
143 stars 47 forks source link

V 0.39 #267

Closed pinkwolf6686 closed 6 years ago

pinkwolf6686 commented 6 years ago

Just updated the latest version of 9Anime and it is still saying no eligible sources. What is going on with this site. I hope that it gets fixed have been trying for the past 2 days now.

SwagOtaku commented 6 years ago

This time the 9anime server is down, no episodes working on the site. Just got to wait it out

ghettowboy commented 6 years ago

Yeah, seems like they had too much fun playing around that they broke it. Lol

somedudenamedrush commented 6 years ago

it seems as if they changed the domain slightly from www5.9anime.is, to www6.9anime.is,

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

@somedudenamedrush nah that's just called load balancing. Nothing to do with the issue

LukiasSenpai commented 6 years ago

The animes on the website seem to run fine but on kodi i am getting the "cant find eligible sources" and i have tried it on last weeks and this week episodes of tokyo ghoul re

DxCx commented 6 years ago

Yeah.. they probably changed something again.. Will look into it when i have more time..

Karma32 commented 6 years ago

it seems like 9anime is constantly changing their tokens. I took a look at the java script and they've added a function that gets the date which is then used to make a new token on a daily basis

sd-92 commented 6 years ago

Any updates on this??

ghettowboy commented 6 years ago

People need to be patient. If it's true that they are changing it daily, that might be an issue.

Peingod300 commented 6 years ago

I'm totally fine with being patient, I just also want to be updated and make sure it wasn't something I screwed up :) Hopefully this gets a good fix soon as possible :)

username09090 commented 6 years ago

If the token is being changed daily does that mean the DD = 'X8uEFlj2' in NineAnimeUrlExtender needs to be changed daily. And if so how to u get that code or maybe someone can start a comment chain with the updated daily token. I don't mind changing 8 letters of code each day for now.

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

I believe I've found a resolution to this that doesn't require having to constantly update the DD token and other parts of the code, however I'm still working out some kinks. I'm a JavaScript guy though but the code could easily be rewritten in Python (as I did the opposite with the NineAnimeUrlExtender code).

pjcanales commented 6 years ago

Good work. Progress is a path to success

DxCx commented 6 years ago

@redninjax feel free to send me it in JS ill recode over the weekend.. Unfortunately i dont really have time to do it till then..

DxCx commented 6 years ago

Also if there will be no choice then ill export it as settings..

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

@DxCx will do 👌

grabberboy commented 6 years ago

@RedNinjaX send me the code ill convert it to python if @DxCx is busy i have a free time now

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

@grabberboy sure. I should have something by Friday or earlier.

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

Also if anyone was in doubt before if they were stepping up their aggressiveness here's a message from Old Saint 9a himself from 4 hours ago


FireWolf74 commented 6 years ago

I installed the new version a couple days ago and everything worked.

sd-92 commented 6 years ago

@FireWolf74 It briefly worked until 9anime changed their code again. I suppose it is not working for you at the moment?

ghettowboy commented 6 years ago

Did anyone actually think 9anime supported kodi in the first place? So why would his statement shock anyone.

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

It doesn't. Just found it funny that he just so happened to respond to that as recently as the code broke.

ghettowboy commented 6 years ago

It is funny, because people were probably hounding him on Reddit, and on Discord.

romxuk commented 6 years ago

Does anyone have the most current working token or has nobody worked it out yet?

Prometheusx-git commented 6 years ago


RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

"a29856fa" is definitely it...for the next 2 hours or so

Karma32 commented 6 years ago

i'd love to have look at how you generate the tokens any pointers on how to do it

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

@Karma32 I finally figured out how he gets it ;)

screenshot from 2018-06-21 14-07-29

romxuk commented 6 years ago

what js file did you find that in karma32? I am interested in seeing if i can auto pull new tokens from it

romxuk commented 6 years ago

found it myself in all.js

bashulsbosch commented 6 years ago

@DxCx, thanks for everything dude, you're awesome!

ghost commented 6 years ago

Has the sources issue been resolved yet

JustAguyWhoLikesAnime commented 6 years ago

@Randomdude707 no but like @RedNinjaX said he may have found a resolution and may be done by Friday

romxuk commented 6 years ago

made a test script to pull tokens easily for me, if it works after next token change I will share a link to get keys as they change

DxCx commented 6 years ago

Or we can just integrate it into the addon ;)

romxuk commented 6 years ago

Not a problem if my method works I will happily share but I am not sure it does until they change the token again, If my simple script does work I will let you know how I did it. test page (nothing but the token) which I wrote in php if it changes to the right token when they update I will let you know how I got it

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

I was going to go about it in a different way

For instance instead of worrying about coming up with a script that will generate a new token on the fly, I'm making a script that will be able to take the functions of all.js and rework it to generate the extra parameter without having to worry about any other major changes to the script (like the one from a recent update where you had to change those few parts of code from using zero to using the current iteration loop count). Instead of worrying about the DD token alone, no more having to worry about the extra parameter script as a whole. Also keep in mind that your token generator script will potentially be null and void within a few hours since all.js itself is changing every few hours (you can keep a tab on the versions by looking at the text after the question i.e. all.js?abc123)

dougdyson commented 6 years ago

@RedNinjaX 9anime seems a bit knee jerk about it. People who can install and maintain Kodi require a certain tech savvy and likely have browser plug-ins to defeat 9anime's aggressive adverts. It would also seem that retrieving data for lists on Kodi would be lighter on their servers than serving all those images and other assets via their website. So, driving Kodi users to the web might actually put more load on their servers w/o any associated advert revenue.

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

@HatHeadNinja you're absolutely right. Although most of the image assets on 9anime are actually hosted on third party sites/CDNs themselves, meaning the only other load they're getting from users visiting their site directly is from the extra http requests that the site makes for self-hosted js files and their own API requests such as the ones to get the embed links, meaning they don't even have as much of a strain as they try to make out (even though I'm sure there's still plenty of server load).

In the end it all boils down to loss of ad revenue

Karma32 commented 6 years ago

You also forget that 9anime also uses web crypto mining as a source of revenue on top of all the ad's they bombard users with. Iv'e noticed a significant CPU usage increase if i take my ad'blocker off.The fact that we can bypass most of this must really annoy them

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

Ugh. This is why I'll never put ads on my anime streaming site. I despise them with a passion

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

Yeah just as I predicted: new all.js revision after a few hours with a new way to generate the DD var breaking any previous methods of generating a new one. This can only be solved 1 of 2 ways (or 2 1/2)

Anyway current new DD is: 49220519

JustAguyWhoLikesAnime commented 6 years ago

will that change what you are planning @RedNinjaX to fix this so it will not be a problem? I am looking forward to see how you are able to make this work :)

grabberboy commented 6 years ago

it seems theres no way out to fixed this yet since the new all.js all variables are auto changing after some few hours. i hope @DxCx can fix this @Prometheusx-git @hoppler now i cant watch anything until this kodi works again. should i hired at freelancer.com? im willing to pay so i can help this community.

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

@JustAguyWhoLikesAnime not at all surprisingly. Pretty much everything I thought is confirmed. Though while I'm still working on a more "permanent" fix I think I may try to speed things up by just focusing on grabbing the DD token alone to try to speed things up since that's the part of the code I've for the most part got figured out regardless of revision so my method should still work. I should be done by today, Saturday being the latest.

jeremyjpj0916 commented 6 years ago

In the mean time another okay app I found was Dubbed Anime, less source choice but all good working links. Look it up i think its on blamo repo

JustAguyWhoLikesAnime commented 6 years ago

@RedNinjaX nice looking forward to it :) since the update never seems to work for me so I have to update it the old fashion way so this would be handy ha

Karma32 commented 6 years ago

@RedNinjaX where did you find the new DD i looked through the java script and couldn't find

RedNinjaX commented 6 years ago

I'd tell you but it changed again. The function itself always changes as well as the variables

Current DD: cea7cb61