DxCx / plugin.video.9anime

plugin.video.9anime - 9Anime plugin for kodi
GNU General Public License v3.0
143 stars 47 forks source link

Code placement? Where do I put a code like this because I think it might fix the duplicating episode glitch? #269

Closed HackedGameMaker closed 6 years ago

HackedGameMaker commented 6 years ago

class WebList(object): ''' Base object representation of a webpage on 9anime. Other classes should extend this class to represent a web page.

    The main components of this class are the __init__, parse, and add_items methods.  The 
    first grabs the HTML, the second parses it, and the third adds it with any metadata to a 
    list to be displayed by Kodi.
    Other functions included are shared among child classes.
def __init__(self, url_val=args.value, form_data=None):
    self.html = ''
    self.soup = None
    self.links = []
    self.has_next_page = False

    self.meta = metadatahandler.meta
    self.net, self.cookies = nethelper.net, nethelper.cookies

    if not url_val:

    self.url = url_val if 'http' in url_val else (helper.domain_url() + url_val)    
    self.html, e = self.net.get_html(self.url, self.cookies, helper.domain_url(), form_data)
    self.html = helper.handle_html_errors(self.html, e)
    helper.log_debug('HTML length: %s' % len(self.html))

    self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.html, "html.parser") if self.html != '' else None

def parse(self):

def add_items(self):

def get_metadata(self):

def clean_name(self, name, specials=True):
    cleaned_name = name.replace(' (Sub)', '').replace(' (Dub)', '')
    if specials:
        cleaned_name = cleaned_name.replace(' (OVA)', '').replace(' Specials ', '').replace(' OVA ', ' ')
        cleaned_name = self._strip_by_re(cleaned_name, '( OVA)$', end=-4)
        cleaned_name = self._strip_by_re(cleaned_name, '( Special)$', end=-8)
        cleaned_name = self._strip_by_re(cleaned_name, '( Specials)$', end=-9)
    cleaned_name = self._strip_by_re(cleaned_name, '( \(1080p\))$', end=-8)
    cleaned_name = self._strip_by_re(cleaned_name, '( \((720|480|360)p\))$', end=-8)
    return cleaned_name

def _get_bookmark_id(self, url):
    return url.split('.')[-1].split('?')[0]

def _get_art_from_metadata(self, metadata):
    icon = metadata.get('cover_url', args.icon)
    fanart = metadata.get('backdrop_url', args.fanart)
    return (icon, fanart)

def _construct_query(self, value, action, metadata={}, full_title='', media_type=''):
    icon, fanart = self._get_art_from_metadata(metadata)
    base_title = metadata.get('title', '')
    imdb_id = metadata.get('imdb_id', '')
    tvdb_id = metadata.get('tvdb_id', '')
    tmdb_id = metadata.get('tmdb_id', '')
    query = {'value':value, 'action':action, 'imdb_id':imdb_id, 
             'tvdb_id':tvdb_id, 'tmdb_id':tmdb_id, 'icon':icon, 'fanart':fanart,
             'base_title':base_title, 'full_title':full_title, 'media_type':media_type}
    return query

def _parse_links_from_grid(self, subcontainer_attrs=None):
    ''' 9anime often organizes a page of shows in a grid called list-film '''

    if subcontainer_attrs:
        listfilm = self.soup.find('div', attrs=subcontainer_attrs)

    listfilm = self.soup.find('div', class_='film-list')    
    links = listfilm.find_all('a', class_='poster')
    data_tips = links #listfilm.find_all('a', class_='poster')
    items = listfilm.find_all('div', class_='item')
    media_type_list = []
    for item in items:
        if item.find('div', class_='movie'):
        elif item.find('div', class_='ova') or item.find('div', class_='type ona') or \
            item.find('div', class_='special'):
        elif item.find('div', class_='preview'):

    return links, data_tips, media_type_list

# This may belong somewhere else...
def _strip_by_re(self, string, filter, end, start=0):
    import re
    return string[start:end] if re.search(filter, string) != None else string
HackedGameMaker commented 6 years ago

Never mind I found where to place it but now I need to edit it some more because it didn't fix the episode glitch yet