DyKnow / SignalR-ObjC

Objective-C Client for the SignalR Project works with iOS and Mac
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CocoaPods 1.0 Build Error 'AFNetworking/AFURLRequestSerialization.h' file not found #263

Open bclymer opened 8 years ago

bclymer commented 8 years ago

After upgrading to CocoaPods 1.0.0 this morning, I've getting a compile time error with SignalR-ObjC.

/Users/myuser/Documents/Github/myrepo/Pods/SignalR-ObjC/SignalR.Client/Transports/ServerSentEvents/SREventSourceRequestSerializer.h:23:9: 'AFNetworking/AFURLRequestSerialization.h' file not found

I found this and this issue but neither seems to be the cause.

Everything was working on CocoaPods 0.39.0.

bclymer commented 8 years ago

Issues are being reported on the main CocoaPods repo. Will follow those and update. https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/4950 https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/5283

bclymer commented 8 years ago

Well the plot thickens.

I was going to just avoid Xcode because it's awful and use gym instead. There was a CocoaLumberjack error instead of this error. After removing the CocoaLumberjack dependency, I was able to build the entire product.

Did a full clean + derived data wipe, went back into Xcode, and it still fails to build with the error in this issue, despite gym successfully building and archiving.

I realized gym would have build for arm instead of x86, so I switched Xcode to "Generic iOS Device", I got 18 different errors for many pods building for arm debug. I then tried arm archive in Xcode, it worked. So I assume it's something about building for debug.

After all of that, if I go back to just wanting to run on the Simulator, I get the same error in this issue again.

I might go back to 0.39.0 for now. See if other people around the web have problems like this.

krunalsheth commented 8 years ago

I ran into this as well. and following helped.

  1. Delete derived data
  2. Delete podfile.lock
  3. Delete .xcworkspace
  4. run pod install
  5. open the new .xcworkspace

everything was back to normal.

arnoldpistorius commented 8 years ago

Thanks, worked for me