BUT it does not close the underlying connection or clean up the callbacks, so we end up receiving messages from both.
This causes confusion by the Autotransport when later in the transport lifecycle it needs to communicate events to the actual transport doing work. AutoTransport in this case "thinks" LP is processing messages but in reality SSE is processing messages
Replication Steps
Dev Requirements
[ ] Cancel SSE connection when connectTimeout occurs
Opens a Connection to a Server and Tries serverSentEvents
But Fails and calls callback to notify the autotransport. AutoTransport then tries the next best transport SSE
BUT it does not close the underlying connection or clean up the callbacks, so we end up receiving messages from both.
This causes confusion by the Autotransport when later in the transport lifecycle it needs to communicate events to the actual transport doing work. AutoTransport in this case "thinks" LP is processing messages but in reality SSE is processing messages
Replication Steps
Dev Requirements
Fixed In
Same as https://github.com/DyKnow/SignalR-ObjC/issues/246