Dyalog / link

Source code for Link – the built-in component that enables the use of text files as the primary storage mechanism for APL source code
MIT License
19 stars 11 forks source link

Refuse Add/Fix of names within a scripted object #560

Closed mkromberg closed 10 months ago

mkromberg commented 10 months ago

Version 4.0.10 correctly signals:

⎕SE.Link.Fix: May not Fix inside a linked namespace, class or interface 'HttpCommand'⎕SE.Link.Fix'foo' '2+2' ∧

and Add also rejects:

  HttpCommand.⎕FX 'foo' '2+2'
  ⎕SE.Link.Add 'HttpCommand.foo' 

⎕SE.Link.Add: May not Fix inside a linked namespace, class or interface ⎕SE.Link.Add'HttpCommand.foo' ∧