Dyalog / link

Source code for Link – the built-in component that enables the use of text files as the primary storage mechanism for APL source code
MIT License
19 stars 11 forks source link

Expunge does not delete the source file in case the object does not exist in the workspace #569

Open aplteam opened 11 months ago

aplteam commented 11 months ago

I accidentally deleted an object with ⎕EX. I realized my mistake and called ⎕SE.Link.Expunge immediately, assuming that this would also delete the source file, but it didn't.

 Dyalog  19.0.47586 32-bit Unicode, BuildID 35df8fa7            
 OS      Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 (10.0.19045) 32-bit  
 Link    3.1.2                                                  
 SALT    2.912                                                  
 UCMD    2.51                                                   
 .NET    .NET Framework 4.8.9167.0                              
 WS      19.0