Dyalog / pynapl

Dyalog APL ←→ Python interface
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Stopping the python interpreter #21

Closed Brian-ED closed 2 years ago

Brian-ED commented 2 years ago

i'm using Py'n'APL and i want to destroy/stop the python interpreter without litering my workspace with random namespaces, but when do the following

py←⎕new Py.Py py.Eval'1+1' 2 ⎕ex 'py' ]namesLike DRC.9 IPC.9 Py.9

it adds DRC and other stuff to the workspace. and same happens when using )erase. if i do the same on the python side by using py.Eval'quit()' then it also litters the workspace with a lot of functions and variables. is there a way i can just remove/stop the interpreter without restarting dyalog every test?

Brian-ED commented 2 years ago

i now realized ⎕new Py.Py always adds DRC and such. my mistake