Dyalog / ride

Cross-platform IDE for Dyalog APL
MIT License
204 stars 31 forks source link

Add menu items "quit to connect screen" and "quit and restart" #1194

Open abrudz opened 8 months ago

abrudz commented 8 months ago

Describe the issue you are having

A common usecase for RIDE is to close down APL only to restart a pristine interpreter, possibly with slightly tweakted settings. It'd be nice to have options to do each thing (in addition to the current just quit everything), and also a behaviour setting "when APL closes… ◉ close RIDE ◎ restart APL ◎ show connect screen"

The current "quit" should be renamed "quit RIDE and APL"

  Version: 4.5.4043
  Electron: 25.3.2
  Chrome: 114.0.5735.248
  Node: 18.15.0
  Platform: Win32
  Date: 2023-09-26 17:25:50 +0200
  Git commit: 5f3a6111e4c67f4c605b4cdbaff1088208d5972d
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    "menu":"# see below for syntax\n\nDyalog                          {mac}\n  About Dyalog             =ABT\n  -\n  Preferences...           =PRF\n  -                            \n  &Quit                    =QIT\n&File                           {!browser}\n  &Open...                 =OWS {local}\n  &New Session             =NEW\n  &Connect...              =CNC\n  -                             {!mac}\n  &Quit                    =QIT {!mac}\n&Edit\n  Undo                     =UND {!browser}\n  Redo                     =RDO {!browser}\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Cut                      =CT  {!browser}\n  Copy                     =CP  {!browser}\n  Paste                    =PT  {!browser}\n  Select All               =SA  {mac}\n  -                             {mac||!browser}\n  &Find...                 =SC\n  Find and &Replace...     =RP\n  -                             {!mac}\n  Preferences...           =PRF {!mac}\n&View\n  Show Language Bar        =LBR\n  Show Status Bar          =SBR\n  Show Workspace Explorer  =WSE\n  Show Debug               =DBG\n  Line Wrapping in Session =WRP\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Show Status Window       =SSW\n  Auto Status              =ASW\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Stops                    =TVB\n  Line Numbers             =LN\n  Outline                  =TVO\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Increase Font Size       =ZMI {!browser}\n  Decrease Font Size       =ZMO {!browser}\n  Reset Font Size          =ZMR {!browser}\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Toggle Full Screen            {!browser}\n&Window\n  Close All Windows        =CAW\n&Action\n  Edit                     =ED\n  Trace                    =TC\n  -\n  Clear all trace/stop/monitor =CAM\n  Weak Interrupt           =WI\n  Strong Interrupt         =SI\n&Threads                        {rp21}\n  Pause on Error           =POE\n  Pause all Threads        =PAT\n  Unpause all threads      =UAT\n  Continue all threads     =MA\n&Help\n  Getting &Started         =https://dyalog.com/introduction.htm\n  &RIDE User Guide         =https://docs.dyalog.com/latest/RIDE%20User%20Guide.pdf\n  -\n  Dyalog &Help             =DHI\n  &Language Elements       =LEL\n  &Documentation Centre    =DOX\n  -\n  Dyalog &Website          =https://dyalog.com/\n  &Email Dyalog            =EMD\n  -\n  Latest &Enhancements     =ENH\n  Read &Me                 =RME\n  &Third Party Licences    =TPL\n  &About                   =ABT {!mac}\n\n# Syntax:\n#   &x   access key, alt+x\n#   =CMD command code; some are special:\n#          LBR WRP WSE render as checkboxes\n#   =http://example.com/  open a URL\n#   {}   conditional display, a boolean expression\n#          operators: && || ! ( )\n#          variables: local browser mac win\n#   -    separator (when alone)\n#   #    comment\n\n# The =PRF (\"Preferences...\") menu item must be present.",
    "selectedExe":"C:\\Program Files\\Dyalog\\Dyalog APL-64 20.0 Unicode\\dyalog.exe",

  Version: 20.0.48254
  Platform: Windows-64
  Edition: Unicode/64
  Date: Dec  4 2023 at 20:26:09