Dyalog / ride

Cross-platform IDE for Dyalog APL
MIT License
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Ride doesn't install/start on ubuntu 24.04 #1236

Closed JasonRivers closed 2 weeks ago

JasonRivers commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the issue you are having

Ride doesn't start / Install (tried 4.5 & 4.6 draft)

Did you connect to an already running interpreter or start the interpreter from RIDE?


How do you reproduce the issue?

Try installing Ride

$ sudo apt install ./ride-4.5.4097-1_amd64.deb
The following packages have unmet dependencies.
 ride-4.5 : Depends: libgconf-2-4 but it is not installable
$ apt search libgconf
* Nothing found *

libgconf should be removed as a dependency to install.

Ignore dependency to install:

$ sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends=libgconf-2-4 ./ride-4.5.4097-1_amd64.deb
# Run Ride
$ ride-4.5
[22165:0702/112708.573066:FATAL:setuid_sandbox_host.cc(158)] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /opt/ride-4.5/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

Building from source and running npm start works without issue.

Building a deb package and installing after removing the dependency also worked - so we may simply need to update the build environment (and update the dependencies).

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JasonRivers commented 2 weeks ago

The running of the built deb was actually a red-herring, if I wasn't in the build directory it still failed, however, as part of #1237 I have also fixed the permissions for chrome-sandbox and this now works as intended!