Dyalog / ride

Cross-platform IDE for Dyalog APL
MIT License
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Make common actions available as a toolbar #274

Open abrudz opened 6 years ago

abrudz commented 6 years ago

Describe the issue you are having

RIDE does not have a toolbar. Dyalog traditionally remaps standard keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+C and Ctrl-Z. It would therefore be beneficial for newcomers (and maybe pros too) to have a toolbar with common actions like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Load, Workspace Explorer, etc.

The preferences/keyboard shortcuts' button could conveniently go there too, as it doesn't really belong on a language bar.

Paste the contents of Help → About (Shift+F1)

IDE: Version: unknown Platform: Win32 Date: unknown Git commit: unknown Preferences:{ "colourScheme":"Francisco Goya", "dbg":"1", "floatOnTop":"1", "floating":"1", "kbdLocale":"en_US", "keys":"{\"RP\":[\"Ctrl-R\"]}", "lbarOrder":"← +-×÷*⍟⌹○!? |⌈⌊⊥⊤⊣⊢ =≠≤<>≥≡≢ ∨∧⍲⍱ ↑↓⊂⊃⊆⌷⍋⍒ ⍳⍸∊⍷∪∩~ /\⌿⍀ ,⍪⍴⌽⊖⍉ ¨⍨⍣.∘⍤@ ⍞⎕⍠⌸⌺⌶⍎⍕ ⋄⍝→⍵⍺∇& ¯⍬", "menu":"# see below for syntax\n\nDyalog {mac}\n About Dyalog =ABT\n -\n Preferences =PRF\n - \n &Quit =QIT\n&File {!browser}\n New &Session =NEW\n &Connect... =CNC\n - {!mac}\n &Quit =QIT {!mac}\n&Edit\n Undo =UND {!browser}\n Redo =RDO {!browser}\n - {!browser}\n Cut =CT {!browser}\n Copy =CP {!browser}\n Paste =PT {!browser}\n Select All =SA {mac}\n - {!mac&&!browser}\n Preferences =PRF {!mac}\n&View\n Show Language Bar =LBR\n Show Workspace Explorer =WSE\n Show Debug =DBG\n Floating Edit Windows =FLT\n Editors on Top =TOP {!browser}\n Line Wrapping in Session =WRP\n - {!browser}\n Increase Font Size =ZMI {!browser}\n Decrease Font Size =ZMO {!browser}\n Reset Font Size =ZMR {!browser}\n - {!browser}\n Toggle Full Screen {!browser}\n&Window\n Close All Windows =CAW\n&Action\n Edit =ED\n Trace =TC\n Weak Interrupt =WI\n Strong Interrupt =SI\n&Help\n Dyalog Help =http://help.dyalog.com/\n Documentation Centre =http://dyalog.com/documentation.htm\n &Idioms =http://miserver.dyalog.com/Examples/Applications/Idiom_Search.mipage?nowrapper=1\n -\n Dyalog Website =http://dyalog.com/\n MyDyalog =https://my.dyalog.com/\n -\n Dyalog Forum =http://www.dyalog.com/forum\n - {!mac}\n About =ABT {!mac}\n\n# Syntax:\n# &x access key, alt+x\n# =CMD command code; some are special:\n# LBR FLT WRP TOP WSE render as checkboxes\n# =http://example.com/ open a URL\n# {} conditional display, a boolean expression\n# operators: && || ! ( )\n# variables: browser mac win\n# - separator (when alone)\n# # comment\n\n# The =PRF (\"Preferences\") menu item must be present.", "otherExe":"C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 17.0 Unicode\dyalog.exe", "selectedExe":"C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 17.0 Unicode\dyalog.exe", "squiggleTips":"1", "title":"RIDE {RIDE_VER} - {WSID} {VER}", "wse":"1", "zoom":"6" }

Interpreter: Version: 17.0.31153 Platform: Windows-64 Edition: Unicode/64 Date: Oct 16 2017 at 10:27:50

jayfoad commented 6 years ago

You previously said RIDE should have a toolbar instead of a menu: #30.