Closed abrudz closed 2 years ago
Still seems to be a problem on the monaco branch. Although the "Do you want to save" dialog appears to be modal and greys out the editor window behind it, on Linux I can still click on the editor window's close button (the X in the corner of the window's chrome) and after a delay of 2 seconds the editor window disappears, but the dialog remains.
Given the 2 second delay, I wonder if the OS (or something) decides that the editor window is unresponsive and forcibly closes it...?
tested on mac and windows in the master branch and can't replicate this. will check the linux version tomrrow.
I can confirm it is an issue on linux only and it has been reported now.
Electron issue has been closed.
Describe the issue you are having
Clicking the X button on an edit while its Save? dialog is open closes the editor. Attempting to re-edit that same item hangs RIDE.
Did you connect to an already running interpreter or start the interpreter from RIDE?
Start an interpreter
How do you reproduce the issue?
)ed f
Click X and the Editor will ask whether you want to save or not. Ignore the dialog and click X again. Wait a couple of seconds and the editor will close. Enter)ed f
RIDE hangs.Paste the contents of Help → About (Shift+F1)
IDE: Version: 4.1.2990 Platform: Win32 Date: 2017-12-14 21:00:41 +0100 Git commit: b50942479e4d884ad23be5659c1ef7fece907db5 Preferences:{ "colourScheme":"Default (1)", "colourSchemes":"[{\"name\":\"Default (1)\",\"styles\":\"asgn=fg:00f com=fg:088 dfn=fg:00f diam=fg:00f err=fg:f00 fn=fg:008 idm=fg:008,bg:#ffff00 kw=fg:800 lnum=fg:008,bg:f,bgo:0 mod=bg:e,bgo:1 mtch=bg:ff8,bgo:0.5 norm=bg:f,bgo:1 ns=fg:8 num=fg:8 op1=fg:00f op2=fg:00f par=fg:00f quad=fg:808 sel=bg:48e,bgo:0.5 semi=fg:00f sqbr=fg:00f srch=bg:f80,bgo:0.5 str=fg:088 tc=bg:d,bgo:1 tcpe=bg:c8c8c8,bgo:1 trad=fg:8 var=fg:8 zld=fg:008 scmd=fg:00f ucmd=fg:00f vtt=bg:ff0\"}]", "floatOnTop":"1", "floating":"1", "ime":"0", "indentComments":"1", "kbdLocale":"en_US", "keys":"{\"AC\":[\"Ctrl-,\"],\"AO\":[\"Ctrl-'\"],\"BP\":[\"Ctrl-.\"],\"DO\":[\"Ctrl-;\"],\"FX\":[\"Ctrl-S\"],\"MA\":[\"Ctrl-G\"],\"NEW\":[],\"NX\":[\"Ctrl-N\"],\"PV\":[\"Ctrl-P\"],\"RP\":[\"Ctrl-R\"]}", "lbarOrder":"← +-×÷*⍟⌹○!? |⌈⌊⊥⊤⊣⊢ =≠≤<>≥≡≢ ∨∧⍲⍱ ↑↓⊂⊃⊆⌷⍋⍒ ⍳⍸∊⍷∪∩~ /\⌿⍀ ,⍪⍴⌽⊖⍉ ¨⍨⍣.∘⍤@ ⍞⎕⍠⌸⌺⌶⍎⍕ ⋄⍝→⍵⍺∇⍬& ¯", "menu":"# see below for syntax\n\nDyalog {mac}\n About Dyalog =ABT\n -\n Preferences =PRF\n - \n &Quit =QIT\n&File {!browser}\n New &Session =NEW\n &Connect... =CNC\n - {!mac}\n &Quit =QIT {!mac}\n&Edit\n Undo =UND {!browser}\n Redo =RDO {!browser}\n - {!browser}\n Cut =CT {!browser}\n Copy =CP {!browser}\n Paste =PT {!browser}\n Select All =SA {mac}\n - {!mac&&!browser}\n Preferences =PRF {!mac}\n&View\n Show Language Bar =LBR\n Show Workspace Explorer =WSE\n Show Debug =DBG\n Floating Edit Windows =FLT\n Editors on Top =TOP {!browser}\n Line Wrapping in Session =WRP\n - {!browser}\n Increase Font Size =ZMI {!browser}\n Decrease Font Size =ZMO {!browser}\n Reset Font Size =ZMR {!browser}\n - {!browser}\n Toggle Full Screen {!browser}\n&Window\n Close All Windows =CAW\n&Action\n Edit =ED\n Trace =TC\n Weak Interrupt =WI\n Strong Interrupt =SI\n&Help\n Dyalog Help =\n Documentation Centre =\n &Idioms =\n -\n Dyalog Website =\n MyDyalog =\n -\n Dyalog Forum =\n - {!mac}\n About =ABT {!mac}\n\n# Syntax:\n# &x access key, alt+x\n# =CMD command code; some are special:\n# LBR FLT WRP TOP WSE render as checkboxes\n# = open a URL\n# {} conditional display, a boolean expression\n# operators: && || ! ( )\n# variables: browser mac win\n# - separator (when alone)\n# # comment\n\n# The =PRF (\"Preferences\") menu item must be present.", "otherExe":"C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 17.0 Unicode\dyalog.exe", "pfkeys":"[\"\",\"\",\"Foo\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"]", "selectedExe":"C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 16.0 Unicode\dyalog.exe", "squiggleTips":"1", "title":"RIDE {RIDE_VER} - {WSID} {VER}", "zoom":"4" }
Interpreter: Version: 17.0.32776 Platform: Windows-64 Edition: Unicode/64 Date: Apr 9 2018 at 16:10:15