Dyalog / ride

Cross-platform IDE for Dyalog APL
MIT License
198 stars 29 forks source link

Inquiry: Bringing in printer options #782

Open JTurco32 opened 2 years ago

JTurco32 commented 2 years ago


I wanted to again thank the team who worked on this for an amazing IDE for me to use for APL. I had a question, is there any plans in the roadmap to bring printing functions similar to what the windows version of the IDE has/had? I don't have a windows machine so im not too sure if the features still exist, im going off the "Mastering Dyalog APL" book. Just a curious question and not a request, so i hope you don't mind me asking it.

Many thanks


e9gille commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the positive feedback Joseph, happy you like it.

To be honest it hasn't come up as far as I recall, so nothing we've planned to put in.