Dyalog / ride

Cross-platform IDE for Dyalog APL
MIT License
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Executing MA in the session works as it should as long as the function does not quit but syserrs when it finally does #884

Open aplteam opened 2 years ago

aplteam commented 2 years ago

Describe the issue you are having

Given a function with multiple stop vectors, when one calls the function (without the Tracer stepping in) and then executes MA (continue all threads) which I have on F6 then it works as expected until the last stop vector is reached; then it syserr with an error code 3.

Did you connect to an already running interpreter or start the interpreter from RIDE?

Does not make a difference

How do you reproduce the issue?

Paste the contents of Help → About (Shift+F1)

  Version: 4.4.3700
  Electron: 13.6.9
  Chrome: 91.0.4472.164
  Node: 14.16.0
  Platform: Win32
  Date: 2022-06-21 09:48:27 +0200
  Git commit: b3db6781df6dc63f7bbc4fa4e0a634ef5b44765c
    "colourSchemes":"[{\"name\":\"Kai\",\"theme\":\"dark\",\"styles\":\"asgn=fg:#00ff00 com=fg:b cur=bc:f00 dfn2=fg:eb4 dfn3=fg:c79 dfn4=fg:cd0 dfn5=fg:a0d dfn=fg:a7b diam=fg:ff0 err=fg:#ff00ff,bg:822,bgo:0.5,B fn=fg:0f0 idm=fg:0f0 glb=B kw=fg:aa2 lbl=bg:642,bgo:0.5 lnum=fg:b94,bg:010,bgo:0 mod=bg:7,bgo:0.5 mtch=fg:0,bg:0,bgo:0 norm=fg:9c7,bg:0,bgo:1 num=fg:a8b op1=fg:d95 op2=fg:#00ff00 sel=bg:048,bgo:0.5 semi=fg:8 sqbr=fg:8 srch=bg:b96,bgo:0.75,fg:0 str=fg:dae tc=bg:1,bgo:1 tcpe=bg:2,bgo:1 zld=fg:d9f,B scmd=fg:0ff ucmd=fg:f80,B vtip=bg:733,fg:ff0,bgo:1,bc:900 vtt=bc:f80 ca=bg:828282,bgo:1,fg:0f0 cm=bg:0,bgo:1,fg:0f0 cv=bg:f,bgo:1,fg:0 cvv=bg:0,bgo:1,fg:0ff ma=bg:828282,bgo:1,fg:0ff na=bg:828282,bgo:1,fg:f qor=bg:f00,bgo:1,fg:f dc=bg:900,bgo:1\"}]",
    "pfkeys":"[\"\",\"\",\"⎕TRAP←0 'S'\",\"\",\"⎕se.aplteam.Display \",\"→⎕LC+1\",\"<MA>\",\"⍎⎕SE.aplteam.GotoQLC_AndSetStopVector ER \",\"⍎⎕SE.aplteam.GotoQLC_AndDropStopVector ER \",\"<LL>⍝<ER>\",\"⎕THIS\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"]ListObjects \",\"]Latest\",\"∘∘∘\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"⎕DMX.(⍪{⍵(⍎⍵)}¨⎕NL-2) \",\"⎕SE.aplteam.Clear\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"⊣⎕SE.Link.Expunge '\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"]UDEBUG \",\"⍝TODO⍝ \",\"{{}(#.⎕NS'').(⎕ED⍠('ReadOnly' 1)&{'ed'}ed←⍵)}\",\"\",\"]Cider.\",\"]Cider.OpenProject \",\"]Cider.ListProjects\",\"]Cider.CloseProject \",\"\",\"]Git.\",\"]Git.Status\",\"]Git.OpenGitShell\",\"]Git.Commit -m='\",\"]Tatin.\",\"]Tatin.ListPackages\",\"]Tatin.Registries\"]",
    "selectedExe":"C:\\Program Files\\Dyalog\\Dyalog APL-64 18.2 Unicode\\dyalog.exe",
    "title":"{WSID}  ⋄  {HOST}:{PORT}"

  Version: 18.2.45427
  Platform: Windows-64
  Edition: Unicode/64
  Date: Mar 25 2022 at 15:50:45

This is my <02031>

dyavc commented 2 years ago

I will try this out and look at the aplcore.

dyavc commented 2 years ago

in RIDE, need -Dwc in the arguments list