Dyalog / ride

Cross-platform IDE for Dyalog APL
MIT License
204 stars 31 forks source link

Del editor in the session errors when trying to re-defined a pasted function with argument or local names #939

Open rikedyp opened 1 year ago

rikedyp commented 1 year ago

Describe the issue you are having

If a function (with an argument or local names in the header) is defined in the current namespace, pasting a ⎕VR definition fails with a VALUE ERROR

Did you connect to an already running interpreter or start the interpreter from RIDE?

Started from RIDE

How do you reproduce the issue?

Paste the following code into the session twice:

     ∇ Fn arg
[1]    ⎕←arg

Instead of overwriting the definition (as works in the Windows IDE), there is the following output:

     ∇ Fn arg
[1]    ⎕←arg

     ∇ Fn arg
defn error
[1]    ⎕←arg
VALUE ERROR: Undefined name: arg

Paste the contents of Help → About (Shift+F1)

  Version: 4.4.3716
  Electron: 13.6.9
  Chrome: 91.0.4472.164
  Node: 14.16.0
  Platform: Win32
  Date: 2022-08-12 07:57:09 +0200
  Git commit: b14d1be72166c5dcf55d4d6286224d73d123cfaf
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    "menu":"# see below for syntax\n\nDyalog                          {mac}\n  About Dyalog             =ABT\n  -\n  Preferences              =PRF\n  -                            \n  &Quit                    =QIT\n&File                           {!browser}\n  &Open...                 =OWS\n  &New Session             =NEW\n  &Connect...              =CNC\n  -                             {!mac}\n  &Quit                    =QIT {!mac}\n&Edit\n  Undo                     =UND {!browser}\n  Redo                     =RDO {!browser}\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Cut                      =CT  {!browser}\n  Copy                     =CP  {!browser}\n  Paste                    =PT  {!browser}\n  Select All               =SA  {mac}\n  -                             {!mac&&!browser}\n  Preferences              =PRF {!mac}\n&View\n  Show Language Bar        =LBR\n  Show Status Bar          =SBR\n  Show Workspace Explorer  =WSE\n  Show Debug               =DBG\n  Line Wrapping in Session =WRP\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Stops                    =TVB\n  Line Numbers             =LN\n  Outline                  =TVO\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Increase Font Size       =ZMI {!browser}\n  Decrease Font Size       =ZMO {!browser}\n  Reset Font Size          =ZMR {!browser}\n  -                             {!browser}\n  Toggle Full Screen            {!browser}\n&Window\n  Close All Windows        =CAW\n&Action\n  Edit                     =ED\n  Trace                    =TC\n  -\n  Clear all trace/stop/monitor =CAM\n  Weak Interrupt           =WI\n  Strong Interrupt         =SI\n&Help\n  Getting Started          =http://dyalog.com\n  Dyalog Help              =DHI\n  Documentation Centre     =DOX\n  -\n  Dyalog Website           =http://dyalog.com/\n  MyDyalog                 =https://my.dyalog.com/\n  -\n  Dyalog Forum             =http://www.dyalog.com/forum\n  -                             {!mac}\n  About                    =ABT {!mac}\n\n# Syntax:\n#   &x   access key, alt+x\n#   =CMD command code; some are special:\n#          LBR WRP WSE render as checkboxes\n#   =http://example.com/  open a URL\n#   {}   conditional display, a boolean expression\n#          operators: && || ! ( )\n#          variables: browser mac win\n#   -    separator (when alone)\n#   #    comment\n\n# The =PRF (\"Preferences\") menu item must be present.",
    "otherExe":"C:\\Program Files\\Dyalog\\Dyalog APL-64 18.1 Unicode\\dyalog.exe",
    "pfkeys":"[\"\",\"<VAL>\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"⍞←100⍴⎕UCS 10<ER>\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"]",
    "selectedExe":"C:\\Program Files\\Dyalog\\Dyalog APL-64 19.0 Unicode\\dyalog.exe",

  Version: 18.2.45349
  Platform: Windows-64
  Edition: Unicode/64
  Date: Mar  8 2022 at 14:21:49
abrudz commented 1 year ago

Note that the Windows IDE's ability to handle this is very new, and part of the multi-line input feature, which RIDE doesn't quite support yet.