DyfanJones / noctua

Connect R to Athena using paws SDK (DBI Interface)
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A glue catalog table with a trailing '/' in the s3 path breaks dbRemoveTable #125

Closed OssiLehtinen closed 3 years ago

OssiLehtinen commented 3 years ago

Hi Dyfan, bumped into another bug.

If a glue table definition has a trailing '/' in the s3 path, dbRemoveTable doesn't work. (note, such a table definition is allowed in glue)

I think the reason is on this line and the pasting of the extra '/' at the end of the s3_path$key: https://github.com/DyfanJones/noctua/blob/e3ce929e58d475f4f8953ef0d360015db10d2aa7/R/Connection.R#L608

For example, if we have a path like "s3://mybucket/mypath/mysubpath/", this will produce a key "s3://mybucket/mypath/mysubpath//" and things will break down.

Also, if a table definition points directly a single file, as in, "s3://mybucket/mypath/mysubpath/myfile.csv", dbRemoveTable will not work either

As a fix, I would propose omitting the extra '/'.

All the best and happy holidays, Ossi

DyfanJones commented 3 years ago

@OssiLehtinen thanks for finding this out :)

I will have remove the extra '/'

Happy holidays to you as well 😄

DyfanJones commented 3 years ago

Actually we need to be smart with this. By simply removing the extra "/" this will cause issues with tables with similar names for example:

glue <- paws::glue()
s3 <- paws::s3()
all_keys <- list()

s3_path <- noctua:::split_s3_uri(glue$get_table(
                            DatabaseName = "default",
                            Name = "df_bigint")$Table$StorageDescriptor$Location)       
objects <- s3$list_objects_v2(Bucket=s3_path$bucket, Prefix=s3_path$key)
all_keys <- lapply(objects$Contents, function(x) list(Key=x$Key))

[1] "default/df_bigint/46582453-e4db-4a2d-8787-4c1776b1c7b9.tsv"

[1] "default/df_bigint_2.txt"

This find the correct table "df_bigint" however it also returns "df_bigint2.txt" which could be another table

DyfanJones commented 3 years ago

Possible solution would be to detect if key ends with "/" and if it has "." within string 🤔

glue <- paws::glue()
s3 <- paws::s3()
all_keys <- list()

s3_path <- noctua:::split_s3_uri(glue$get_table(
                                          DatabaseName = "default",
                                          Name = "df_bigint")$Table$StorageDescriptor$Location)

# edit: fixed check for "/" and "."
if(!grepl("\\.|/$", s3_path$key))
  s3_path$key <- sprintf("%s/", s3_path$key)

objects <- s3$list_objects_v2(Bucket=s3_path$bucket, Prefix=s3_path$key)
all_keys <- lapply(objects$Contents, function(x) list(Key=x$Key))

[1] "default/df_bigint/46582453-e4db-4a2d-8787-4c1776b1c7b9.tsv"
OssiLehtinen commented 3 years ago

Fast reaction from you as always!

We were also speculating about those extraneous matches without the trailing '/' with a colleague.

In principle, that is a symptom of a misspecified table in glue. In such a case you describe Athena would try to read data from both "default/df_bigint/46582453-e4db-4a2d-8787-4c1776b1c7b9.tsv" and "default/df_bigint_2.txt", so in principle those are data from the same table and should be deleted. Of course this can set a user up for some surprises, but nevertheless, the real mistake has been made already earlier...

DyfanJones commented 3 years ago

I'm not a 100% sure on that, we can test it anyway 😄 Lets upload another df_bigint table but call it df_bigint_2


s3.location <- Sys.getenv("noctua_s3_tbl")

con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

df2 <- data.frame(var1 = sample(letters, 10, replace = T),
                  var2 = bit64::as.integer64(1:10),
                  stringsAsFactors = F)

dbWriteTable(con, "df_bigint", df2, overwrite = T, s3.location = s3.location)
dbWriteTable(con, "df_bigint_2", df2, overwrite = T, s3.location = s3.location)

dbGetQuery(con, "select * from df_bigint")
# Info: (Data scanned: 51 Bytes)
#     var1 var2
#  1:    h    1
#  2:    r    2
#  3:    r    3
#  4:    e    4
#  5:    p    5
#  6:    g    6
#  7:    z    7
#  8:    k    8
#  9:    t    9
# 10:    h   10

dbGetQuery(con, "select * from df_bigint_2")

# Info: (Data scanned: 51 Bytes)
#     var1 var2
#  1:    h    1
#  2:    r    2
#  3:    r    3
#  4:    e    4
#  5:    p    5
#  6:    g    6
#  7:    z    7
#  8:    k    8
#  9:    t    9
# 10:    h   10

So in this example Athena has 2 tables within database "default", "df_bigint" and "df_bigint_2". It appears AWS Athena can happily read from each table without getting confused by anything.

glue <- paws::glue()
s3 <- paws::s3()
all_keys <- list()

s3_path <- noctua:::split_s3_uri(glue$get_table(
                                          DatabaseName = "default",
                                          Name = "df_bigint")$Table$StorageDescriptor$Location)


# $key
# [1] "default/df_bigint"

objects <- s3$list_objects_v2(Bucket=s3_path$bucket, Prefix=s3_path$key)
all_keys1 <- lapply(objects$Contents, function(x) list(Key=x$Key))


# [[1]]
# [[1]]$Key
# [1] "default/df_bigint/d88d8a53-90fd-4d5c-91e6-962042bb392d.tsv"
# [[2]]
# [[2]]$Key
# [1] "default/df_bigint_2/8797d27f-3577-4d8b-8579-64416619d1d9.tsv"

When not adding the "/" at the end it looks like it brings back both "df_bigint" and "df_bigint_2" source files.

# check for "/" and "."
if(!grepl("\\.|/$", s3_path$key))
  s3_path$key <- sprintf("%s/", s3_path$key)

objects <- s3$list_objects_v2(Bucket=s3_path$bucket, Prefix=s3_path$key)
all_keys2 <- lapply(objects$Contents, function(x) list(Key=x$Key))


# [[1]]
# [[1]]$Key
# [1] "default/df_bigint/d88d8a53-90fd-4d5c-91e6-962042bb392d.tsv"

When we add in the checking method then s3 returns the correct source file 😄

DyfanJones commented 3 years ago

Update check mechanic:

check <- list("check1/", "check2", "check.3", "/check4", "check.5/")

for(str in check){
  if(!grepl("\\.|/$", str))
       print(sprintf("%s/", str))

# [1] "check1/"
# [1] "check2/"
# [1] "check.3"
# [1] "/check4/"
# [1] "check.5/"

Did a small check list to see if new check mechanic would work. It seems fairly reliable. Please feel free to critique 😄

OssiLehtinen commented 3 years ago

You are probably right, but I'm a bit surprised. Does the following command show a trailing '/' or not for your example table? conn@ptr$glue$get_table(DatabaseName = "YOUR_DATABASE_HERE", Name = "df_bigint")$Table$StorageDescriptor$Location

Aside from that, probably just my inexperience with regex, but would a path with dots earlier cause problems there? Something like "filesfrom_11.03.20/datafiles".

DyfanJones commented 3 years ago

Yeah my example doesn't have a "/" at the end of the key when calling glue:

# $key
# [1] "default/df_bigint"

AWS must do a transform in the background. From noctua's side, we create the s3 locations following best practises from here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/tables-location-format.html

When you specify the LOCATION in the CREATE TABLE statement, use the following guidelines: Use a trailing slash. Use:


Do not use any of the following items for specifying the LOCATION for your data.

  • Do not use filenames, underscores, wildcards, or glob patterns for specifying file locations.
  • Do not add the full HTTP notation, such as s3.amazon.com to the Amazon S3 bucket path.
  • Do not specify an Amazon S3 access point in the LOCATION clause. The table location can only be specified as a URI.
  • Do not use empty folders like // in the path, as follows: S3://bucketname/folder//folder/. While this is a valid Amazon S3 path, Athena does not allow it and changes it to s3://bucketname/folder/folder/, removing the extra /.

Do not use:


Yes a file path like filesfrom_11.03.20/datafiles would cause issues. The current proposed check wouldn't do anything and just send it to paws::s3()$list_objects_v2. list_objects_v2 will then return everything from filesfrom_11.03.20/datafiles/ including if there is something like this filesfrom_11.03.20/datafiles_something_else/

However as "." seem to part of the do not use section we could just say we don't support "." for AWS Athena table locations.

OssiLehtinen commented 3 years ago

Ah the best practices is a good guideline and making a disclaimer about dots in paths sounds good too.

DyfanJones commented 3 years ago

closing this issue due to merging PR #126