DyfanJones / noctua

Connect R to Athena using paws SDK (DBI Interface)
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Add support for describe? #218

Open tyner opened 1 month ago

tyner commented 1 month ago

Sample query for concreteness: describe sampledb.elb_logs

It appears the return of Athena's describe operator is formatted a little differently, resulting in such queries throwing an error of the form,

INFO: (Data scanned: 0 Bytes) Error in data.table::fread(): ! colClasses= is an unnamed vector of types, length 3, but there are 1 columns in the input. To specify types for a subset of columns, you can use a named vector, list format, or specify types using select= instead of colClasses=. Please see examples in ?fread. Run rlang::last_trace() to see where the error occurred. Timing stopped at: 0.136 0 2.587

I wonder would it be difficult to add support for this use case?

DyfanJones commented 1 month ago

Currently I am spread thin over paws and noctua. Will hopefully get to this soon. If you have any ideas in how to support this please feel free to raise a PR :)