DylanCaiCoding / LoadingStateView

Decoupling the code of toolbar or loading status view. (深度解耦标题栏,解耦加载中、加载失败、无数据等缺省页,支持两行代码集成到基类)
Apache License 2.0
676 stars 53 forks source link

配合navigate使用nav().navigateUp()退回时报错(已解决) #13

Closed wlqjj0 closed 3 years ago

wlqjj0 commented 3 years ago

The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first. 现在是手动removeView(it.decorView)能解决 求大佬解决一下

DylanCaiCoding commented 3 years ago

能具体描述下是怎么使用的吗?我也试过和 Navigation 一起使用,但没出现这个问题

seeeeal commented 3 years ago

请问是怎么解决的呢 遇到了同样的问题 ( 。 。)"