DylanPiercey / local-devices

🔮 Find devices connected to the current local network.
MIT License
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Error on airport wifi #10

Closed RamboRogers closed 5 years ago

RamboRogers commented 5 years ago

I'm getting the following error when running find() on airport wifi. Works awesome at home/work.

I tried to wrap the find in try/catch and same error. Looking at the arp table I'm getting a lot of blank Mac addresses. Wonder if this could cause this error?

  try {
            find().then(devices => {

        } catch { }

(node:68247) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RangeError [ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER]: stdout maxBuffer length exceeded at Socket.onChildStdout (child_process.js:357:14) at Socket.emit (events.js:197:13) at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:288:12) at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:265:13) at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:224:10) at Pipe.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:145:17) (node:68247) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1) (node:68247) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

natterstefan commented 5 years ago

Hi @RamboRogers,

thank you for the report. It is most likely that cp.exec (eg. https://github.com/DylanPiercey/local-devices/blob/master/src/index.js#L78, also reading https://stackoverflow.com/q/23429499/1238150, https://github.com/nicojs/node-install-local/issues/8 and https://github.com/lerna/lerna/issues/213#issuecomment-225657709) caused the issue.

Would you mind attaching/sending us a link with the anonymized output of the arp table output? Or at least the number of rows? I would really like to test this and act accordingly.

RamboRogers commented 5 years ago

No worries, next time I'm flying (week or so likely) I'll pull the output again.

natterstefan commented 5 years ago

Perfect, thanks @RamboRogers.

natterstefan commented 5 years ago

Hi @RamboRogers, I was able to reproduce the issue. There is an open pull request, you could check out and test: https://github.com/DylanPiercey/local-devices/pull/11.


//cc @DylanPiercey

RamboRogers commented 5 years ago

matt@reaver:~/Desktop$ arp -a ? ( at 0:c:XX:X:XX:XX on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:c:29:4:37:a4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:c:29:b:c8:44 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:c:29:16:2d:86 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:85:90:e6:6:88 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:81:14:46:64:50 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:19:c0:15:95:5c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:4d:73:69:c:3a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 90:8d:6c:32:7:1a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:7c:25:2d:9f:d9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:98:ad:7b:6a:22 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:83:1d:d6:41:5b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at cc:25:ef:bb:13:e6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:e8:62:79:ad:c7 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 9c:35:eb:1e:fd:25 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:ad:cf:c1:f4:db on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:66:41:fd:5:9b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e8:b2:ac:43:71:f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 48:c7:96:9a:a1:ed on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e8:50:8b:4d:42:b2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 7c:4:d0:57:b4:f1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 98:1:a7:52:9:e9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:70:2d:8a:dc:33 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:63:4d:25:e:86 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 10:98:c3:1b:67:89 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at fc:18:3c:d8:59:8e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:2b:34:b7:ea:9a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 1c:5c:f2:39:27:fb on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:81:14:e:a1:15 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:85:90:ca:a1:e0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 9c:e6:5e:b0:8f:33 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:99:9b:c:8b:ad on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d8:c4:6a:14:f6:b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:d7:5f:af:7e:51 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:81:14:78:c2:46 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:18:1d:f5:31:bb on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:63:4d:d6:8c:f9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:ae:7:62:1d:da on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:11:73:49:4c:b5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:c1:11:71:e1:28 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:9a:dc:65:67:5f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 50:dc:e7:68:d6:c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:72:e7:a1:20:92 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:f6:77:7b:ee:eb on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 64:b0:a6:8:70:cd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 98:1:a7:5a:96:d6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a9:4:68:52:a7 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 70:ef:0:a0:ce:ae on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:9a:dc:e8:f4:bc on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:19:c0:cc:1:43 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:4d:73:6b:6e:c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:ef:ca:d7:39:51 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:1b:7a:2c:b7:b7 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:61:9d:f:43:9c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at cc:2d:b7:33:3f:bd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a8:5c:2c:66:3f:9a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:72:e7:ca:14:4c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:88:6d:ad:ed:0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at cc:2d:b7:82:ca:4f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 20:ab:37:5b:a4:a5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:cc:2b:b5:68:1b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c4:84:66:93:b6:fe on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e0:b5:2d:3c:2a:ae on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 90:b0:ed:ea:6d:10 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:48:1a:ca:9a:9e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 9c:b6:d0:e8:1d:f1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b4:f6:1c:68:95:df on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:ab:37:2:e9:fe on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:bf:e9:5a:fb:6a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:ad:cf:8c:b3:c6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:b6:58:af:fd:ca on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 38:53:9c:5:83:27 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 2c:e:3d:a4:9c:9c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 28:a0:2b:7f:1a:5f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 14:bd:61:a3:e3:3f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:18:98:48:a9:6f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:32:75:35:8d:1d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 7c:4:d0:77:f6:53 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 70:f0:87:b1:c2:8e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a4:ca:49:de:38 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:57:ca:1:6:9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:b2:fb:2c:bf:75 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:ca:68:64:6b:32 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:63:4d:1a:33:7d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:5e:60:e8:e0:27 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:59:71:8:6:6f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:8e:f2:b1:5d:98 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:9d:6b:46:58:7d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:cd:fe:b2:88:ab on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:95:ea:2b:5b:38 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:c9:a0:7b:5e:41 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:a0:74:1b:77:7b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 90:8d:6c:4e:b7:7e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b4:8b:19:d8:b1:c8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:5c:89:c2:8d:8f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:61:9d:9c:4c:19 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:98:ad:3a:56:62 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:9c:28:42:60:8b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a8:66:7f:aa:b1:1f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:ae:7:42:46:48 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:56:9d:1c:c7:11 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:f5:a3:65:9b:5b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 94:e9:6a:0:29:de on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c4:84:66:da:59:53 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 44:91:60:68:e0:9f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e0:5f:45:96:b4:9b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:4d:73:3:77:eb on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:76:6f:50:ce:36 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 98:10:e8:13:2e:11 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d0:25:98:c:51:dd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at bc:ec:5d:15:ec:42 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:d0:12:a9:49:f5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:ad:cf:a:89:4b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8:e6:89:c6:e5:1c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a4:ca:3c:da:f8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 14:a5:1a:6f:1:c0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:e0:a6:a:58:3e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:a3:3d:51:35:c4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 10:98:c3:c6:29:bc on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:4f:43:93:a5:5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:a3:3d:9a:a4:0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:69:f8:74:b:9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:8:bc:4f:2b:d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at ac:1f:74:46:ae:c0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 70:14:a6:4c:9b:77 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:e9:fe:b:2d:e5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 94:e9:6a:f0:89:9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:72:e7:c9:fa:a8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 48:bf:6b:8d:cf:3d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:fe:57:38:81:43 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:85:90:9f:c3:45 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8:f6:9c:36:82:5b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 60:8c:4a:61:62:32 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:e9:75:9e:f9:dd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:5c:89:63:ab:31 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at cc:c0:79:6c:22:ae on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 84:89:ad:28:58:76 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:70:2d:59:34:da on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:e9:4e:4d:99:dc on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:18:98:6a:de:1d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 60:14:b3:74:a8:a9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c8:1e:e7:d5:83:2f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 10:41:7f:b9:30:28 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:e0:a6:4e:d6:1f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e8:b2:ac:1b:5:f2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:9d:6b:10:d1:78 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:6:16:5b:1f:af on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 44:91:60:5a:54:de on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 2c:e:3d:ea:99:de on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:4e:36:24:12:d8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d0:d2:b0:b5:2e:b4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:fe:57:2a:8e:94 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:19:c6:ed:a2:55 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 94:e9:6a:72:b2:a0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a9:4:35:b2:4d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:81:14:6e:f:82 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:ae:7:2a:84:27 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 58:e2:8f:c3:74:63 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8:e6:89:e4:5:83 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 18:f6:43:e:25:16 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:ab:37:8a:19:3f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:19:8:df:dc:1b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:e4:b8:76:e3:3e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:69:f8:41:ad:d9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 90:e1:7b:9c:66:ad on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:19:c0:81:dc:e0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:a6:0:ee:e1:e7 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:44:d9:38:b6:23 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 20:ee:28:3a:6c:e5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:db:70:91:7a:aa on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 98:1:a7:45:45:71 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:95:ea:2a:ee:45 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 70:3e:ac:62:db:9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 7c:1:91:94:7f:1c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 30:7:4d:2c:e4:e6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:81:14:c9:37:56 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d8:c4:6a:c3:6d:7f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:32:75:2d:7e:b0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:85:90:48:c2:3c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at bc:9f:ef:dd:36:93 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c4:98:80:36:8d:12 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:5e:60:ed:d1:f3 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:83:e1:86:2c:d2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at bc:6c:21:ca:ae:2b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 98:0:c6:ca:5a:ae on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:b5:87:76:69:c5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:7b:8a:5b:e6:20 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 84:89:ad:61:c0:94 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:c9:a0:ce:12:5c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:e9:fe:72:9f:4a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d0:3:4b:bb:70:76 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 64:a2:f9:ec:5b:ae on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at fc:c2:de:f5:85:e4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e8:b2:ac:17:ea:4b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:b2:fb:84:b9:31 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:52:f3:67:9d:1e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:f4:6f:ce:f:15 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:f1:e8:8b:18:df on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 7c:64:56:32:81:d0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:19:c0:a5:87:8f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:7b:8a:a9:38:67 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:e9:75:43:c:b1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:fe:57:10:99:15 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:90:7e:be:fb:98 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:db:70:56:ee:fc on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:9:47:6f:78:7c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:d7:af:bf:de:ad on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:99:b6:14:86:6c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:4e:a7:c9:e8:5a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:56:f3:c7:c:1c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 64:70:33:b3:20:8c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 38:ca:da:9d:6a:17 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at cc:c0:79:92:81:5d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:d7:af:93:2a:88 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 94:bf:2d:e8:d6:b1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:31:c3:88:aa:40 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:8:bc:d7:b4:84 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:e8:5c:66:4b:72 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:c9:a0:ab:91:35 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 1c:91:48:25:3f:fe on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 68:ef:43:b6:91:3f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:38:80:5b:61:2f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:26:19:12:c8:d6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:9c:28:78:8e:11 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:f6:77:51:d6:4b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:98:9d:1e:81:94 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:42:62:5:c1:a5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:81:14:de:55:3b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:44:d9:22:ca:d0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:8e:f2:f3:a0:53 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:71:74:43:a6:51 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:4d:73:5d:b9:2f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:69:f8:5f:4f:d0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c4:84:66:ef:1:11 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:95:ea:bd:b3:57 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 38:89:2c:2b:3:c6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d0:81:7a:77:a:23 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 80:be:5:a6:22:13 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:19:c0:a6:2:8c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a9:4:8f:ca:5a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:5e:60:db:a7:6b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d0:2b:20:e4:78:83 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at ac:1f:74:61:ca:aa on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:4b:ed:35:63:e5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 58:b1:f:21:ea:7a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at cc:82:eb:4f:35:6e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:bf:e9:de:ee:c6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:56:e7:a:95:c7 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:1d:d9:89:98:62 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:9d:6b:e4:b8:ac on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at bc:fe:d9:13:b5:6b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 44:91:60:ee:c3:83 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c:51:1:50:87:55 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:d7:95:78:3:a7 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c4:b3:1:b0:e2:56 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:85:90:62:f:35 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:63:4d:c9:8:6c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b4:f6:1c:68:90:6d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8:e6:89:c5:fb:af on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 10:98:c3:b:31:83 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:5c:89:a0:71:ed on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:8:bc:50:29:ad on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:f5:a3:85:84:ec on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:9e:af:2f:95:8b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 3c:15:c2:e2:a8:e4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 48:a1:95:ce:be:28 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:9a:dc:6d:40:dc on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 2c:e:3d:87:2c:14 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:69:f8:10:f9:de on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:b3:62:43:58:d3 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:4d:7f:f3:92:1a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:1d:d9:5c:85:d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at fc:18:3c:65:ca:dd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:ca:68:be:11:94 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:45:0:1d:af:7d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:19:c6:83:6c:80 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:63:4d:d2:b2:d1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 90:b0:ed:ec:e:a0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 54:33:cb:74:1a:9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at ec:9b:f3:35:2:de on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:ae:7:19:8b:38 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 3c:2e:f9:32:67:c8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:32:75:7f:a4:a6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 3c:28:6d:d2:26:87 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 48:4b:aa:e:b4:d5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:52:f3:26:5:56 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8:e6:89:d3:bd:1b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:db:e2:d9:77:78 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:9a:dc:1a:d9:3f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at ec:ad:b8:60:e3:f8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:ab:31:7d:ca:9c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c:cb:85:ac:2c:5e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:12:4e:14:3c:88 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:17:4d:c4:e2:db on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:e4:ab:f1:d6:42 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:67:d7:5a:42:49 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at cc:44:63:c1:a0:ea on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:ca:68:ee:d4:af on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:38:9c:9f:aa:d2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:48:1a:d3:55:1e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at ac:5f:3e:8c:c3:d4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 94:e9:6a:3d:48:3d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:c1:11:a8:95:e0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:e9:75:8d:2c:d4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 44:91:60:9c:e7:0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 58:40:4e:af:f8:c2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b4:f6:1c:7f:a3:af on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 18:f1:d8:a3:64:bd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 18:65:90:d5:5c:13 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:26:19:36:90:c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:4f:43:67:b0:57 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c4:98:80:4c:7c:d6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e8:b2:ac:28:fb:65 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8:6d:41:dc:cc:ea on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d0:fc:cc:70:c8:e8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:88:6d:6c:ab:f4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:62:14:82:a7:21 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:ef:ca:cb:fe:ca on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 60:3:8:a2:e4:94 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:d1:a1:2b:77:ad on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:32:75:39:26:30 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 98:1:a7:bf:4e:25 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 20:ab:37:6f:ce:90 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:52:f3:e6:a5:30 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:6:16:66:ca:b5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:d7:af:89:f1:a5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 9c:e6:5e:25:1a:ee on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 30:96:fb:fd:5a:f8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 80:be:5:3f:1a:23 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:4c:e3:92:7f:96 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 14:56:8e:93:b2:4d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:2b:34:39:ed:3 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b4:f6:1c:65:5e:c8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:a6:0:e1:7:1f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 2c:1f:23:0:b1:eb on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 90:3c:92:b5:34:f2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 2c:f0:a2:11:b3:c1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:7b:8a:58:52:7d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 9c:e6:5e:a9:2:1d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:62:14:ed:c0:3f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d8:c4:6a:b7:7a:14 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 44:91:60:57:6e:bf on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:7c:5f:5:a2:6f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c8:d0:83:53:85:fc on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 48:60:5f:2c:57:d7 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 48:60:5f:23:93:40 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:d7:af:7b:fe:f8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:2d:7c:85:ff:f6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 54:33:cb:88:31:6d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a4:ca:a1:24:8a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8:e6:89:7e:5f:a2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:1d:d9:d0:52:a9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:4e:a7:15:ca:a7 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at fc:d8:48:a4:48:f3 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 84:38:35:42:d7:c8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:5b:7b:1:2f:f1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:ad:cf:aa:14:57 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4:52:f3:a2:14:1e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:4e:36:89:ee:dd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 9c:b6:d0:da:e:fd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 84:89:ad:80:ad:9e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? 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( at d4:a3:3d:cd:3b:e2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:d7:af:ba:fb:c6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 3c:28:6d:e:10:c1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 14:c2:13:11:25:c4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 50:bc:96:a5:88:ae on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 44:91:60:b3:52:25 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 94:e9:6a:55:f9:1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 10:98:c3:bd:6a:ba on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:18:98:9b:cd:5e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:99:bf:42:e3:3f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 80:82:23:3c:e1:ee on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 70:ef:0:a9:a2:92 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:56:9d:2b:35:b8 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 30:d9:d9:45:f:78 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:32:75:76:33:d5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:9:47:b6:12:c1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 20:ab:37:75:fa:e4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:56:9d:7a:1c:a6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c4:84:66:c2:91:6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:f6:77:5b:f2:f0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:2b:34:12:44:53 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 70:f0:87:78:b0:a3 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 90:8d:6c:25:35:d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f0:79:60:5f:4b:fe on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:32:75:2e:a6:96 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:12:98:78:3b:4c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f8:e9:4e:52:ec:4d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:4e:36:91:2b:e3 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:f0:94:4:5c:e4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:bb:3a:43:e3:14 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:e1:7e:ad:ce:be on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 64:70:33:64:db:f6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:56:e7:10:b2:84 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:5c:89:ab:a7:43 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 58:e6:ba:b:5c:ca on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 88:ae:7:56:bd:dd on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 68:ef:43:c0:71:4a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:31:c3:76:57:8e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 64:76:ba:15:45:3c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 94:bf:2d:b5:9f:0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:24:d7:68:ad:e0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 28:16:a8:6f:73:31 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:61:da:21:3f:4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d0:d2:b0:b6:41:ab on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at bc:a9:20:7a:9e:91 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 1c:5c:f2:16:b6:1f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:c:5c:a7:ed:ab on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8c:f5:a3:18:3e:d1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:61:da:49:88:cf on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 80:4e:81:4b:3c:4e on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 98:10:e8:1e:91:8f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:9d:6b:d7:d6:a9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d8:8f:76:31:c6:ba on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 34:2e:b6:5b:e5:af on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:4e:a7:c1:ee:81 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 10:41:7f:c8:83:9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 3c:28:6d:22:b:e5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:cf:96:45:59:c0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 70:ef:0:da:bb:c2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:32:75:8b:a5:ab on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 10:94:bb:c6:fc:60 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a4:ca:e6:1f:0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 9c:e6:5e:d5:7c:db on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:c7:ec:fc:fc:16 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:31:c3:49:b4:24 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 24:5b:a7:1:70:89 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a4:ca:30:32:80 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 70:ec:e4:84:15:26 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:56:9d:7e:4b:73 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c4:98:80:b5:c6:96 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:f1:e8:8b:99:64 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 84:a1:34:79:72:27 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:b6:58:32:c1:18 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 98:5f:d3:d1:5c:58 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 3c:2e:f9:2d:c0:1c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 84:89:ad:b0:53:ee on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 74:81:14:3d:94:c9 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 58:7f:57:7:5a:a4 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:f1:e8:d2:a3:56 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b8:d7:af:af:42:e1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 8:e6:89:88:c4:5b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:19:c0:7f:11:7a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at fc:db:b3:c3:3e:72 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:f9:38:a6:cb:20 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:40:8:b9:56:28 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:f1:e8:b2:6a:68 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:db:70:d8:a0:ad on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a9:4:64:e8:8b on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b4:f1:da:be:2c:5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:72:bf:6c:b5:eb on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 0:b3:62:7a:e5:c5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 48:4b:aa:34:b5:5f on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at f4:f5:24:48:9b:c0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 94:e9:6a:68:c9:69 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at c0:a6:0:58:3f:0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:d9:31:e7:b8:26 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 64:9a:be:e0:49:15 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a4:ca:b3:ca:a5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:ef:ca:3b:aa:fc on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:88:6d:90:b8:cc on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 84:a1:34:cb:d3:93 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 9c:f4:8e:1d:9:df on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at ac:e4:b5:40:ec:24 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at dc:a4:ca:b4:34:4a on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at cc:29:f5:96:6:d2 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 78:fd:94:2:5c:a5 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 5c:ad:cf:94:6d:db on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 3c:2e:f9:26:d9:18 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at b0:eb:57:81:cc:c on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 4c:74:bf:7f:99:4d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a4:e9:75:70:83:cb on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 38:89:2c:c9:7a:2d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at d4:61:9d:3d:81:be on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 6c:19:c0:b5:da:2d on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at a0:d7:95:76:79:25 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 40:9c:28:e5:27:1 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 68:ec:c5:6f:5d:a6 on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 54:bd:79:14:f3:ed on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at e4:e4:ab:ee:5e:ac on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 38:f9:d3:30:7:3d on en0 ifscope permanent [ethernet] ? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on en0 ifscope [ethernet] ? ( at 1:0:5e:0:0:fb on en0 ifscope permanent [ethernet] ? ( at 1:0:5e:7f:ff:fa on en0 ifscope permanent [ethernet]

RamboRogers commented 5 years ago

matt@reaver:~/Desktop$ whereami Where Am I?

-- Attempting to Fetch IP Information -- PublicIP: PrivateIP: GatewayIP:

-- Scanning -- (node:45320) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RangeError [ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER]: stdout maxBuffer length exceeded at Socket.onChildStdout (child_process.js:348:14) at Socket.emit (events.js:189:13) at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:284:12) at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:261:13) at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:220:10) at Pipe.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:94:17) (node:45320) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1) (node:45320) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. matt@reaver:~/Desktop$

natterstefan commented 5 years ago

Hi, have you seen my PR?

RamboRogers commented 5 years ago



Matthew Rogers

On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 12:35 PM Stefan Natter notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi, have you seen my PR?

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