DylanRJohnston / FractalExplorer-VR

Virtual Reality Fractal Explorer in Unity
5 stars 1 forks source link

Upgrade to latest Unity XR tools? #1

Open tiagosomda opened 10 months ago

tiagosomda commented 10 months ago

Hi! I ran into your project in https://devdunk.itch.io/fractalvr

I downloaded the repo and I was able to run on Unity 2022, but it seems that what you have in the repo isn't the same as in itch. Is this something you could share so I can try to get it running on Unity's latest XR stuff?

DylanRJohnston commented 9 months ago

Hey @tiagosomda these two projects are unrelated unfortunately. I'm no longer pursuing game dev in Unity and so I don't expect to update this project at all.