Dylancyclone / VMF2OBJ

Convert source-engine VMF files into OBJ files with materials (including brushes, displacements, entities, and models)
MIT License
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Could not find QC file for model (Map from Portal 1) #47

Closed RetroAndDev closed 1 month ago

RetroAndDev commented 10 months ago

Hello, I try to convert the 'testchmb_a_00_d.vmf' file from Portal 1. I'm on v2.0 on macOS. Here's a capture of the home tool

Capture d’écran 2023-08-16 à 23 17 30

I placed 'models' folder at the same folder of the jar. It the same for material.

I attached the full log : log.txt

I spend one hour one that. Any solution ? Caused by macOS ? Note : I used the Windows version of Portal from Steam (download from CrossOver and saved to my desktop). I extracted the .vmf from the /portal/maps/testchmb_a_00_d.bsp with 'bspsrc'

Dylancyclone commented 5 months ago

Hello! Sorry about the long delay, life reared it's ugly head for a bit.

Portal is a mod for Half Life 2, and as such uses many resources from it. Next to the portal folder, there should be a hl2 folder that contains all the content for Half Life 2. /Users/clogodfroy/Desktop/PortalExtract/Portal Files/hl2/hl2_misc_dir.vpk /Users/clogodfroy/Desktop/PortalExtract/Portal Files/hl2/hl2_textures_dir.vpk These should be the source for most if not all of your missing files (like nodraw etc). Also, if you have extra materials and models, make sure you add them to the list of resources by clicking "Add Folder" and selecting the folder that contains the "models" and "materials" folders.

Let me know if that works!

RetroAndDev commented 5 months ago

Oh thats why ! I managed to convert the map with another tool. Effectively, I know that escapes maps needs HL2 textures and models. My project is currently paused with Portal. But I don't think after to add HF2 ressources, in my mind it automatically got it, the logs are not precise from what game assets are missing. But thank you, I will try to check if that was that or not

Dylancyclone commented 5 months ago

Awesome! And yep, there is a lot I could improve with this project, I hope I can find the time to make it easier to use. I'm curious, what tool worked for you?

RetroAndDev commented 5 months ago

It was an Blender Add-on with GoldSrc and Source1. I don't have access to my computer now and I dont remind the name. I will check out when I have some extra time and retry this time with HL2 textures+models