Dylancyclone / VMF2OBJ

Convert source-engine VMF files into OBJ files with materials (including brushes, displacements, entities, and models)
MIT License
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Decompiled Portal 2 Maps always show this error. #53

Open trisasarex opened 2 weeks ago

trisasarex commented 2 weeks ago

I honestly do not know why this issue is happening as I have put all correct VPK's and every time I convert a portal 2 map, this error shows up

To help, the map, I am trying to convert is "sp_a1_wakeup.vmf" below this is what the Log says.

Starting VMF2OBJ conversion v2.0.3 [1/5] Reading VPK file(s) and custom content... [2/5] Reading geometry... SEVERE: Fatal error: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Expected ':' at line 1 column 1838408 path $.entities[87].connections.