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Inventory, Stock Take, multiple issues (CB ticket 995585) #17

Open davidonelson opened 3 years ago

davidonelson commented 3 years ago

PART 1 Data entry can be lost

Entered quantity values get thrown away without warning (user's data entry is lost) (CB ticket 995585)

PART 2 Error Message "Expected Quantity has changed"

If a transaction has been posted against any item in the stock take since it was first saved, you will get an error message when you try to update the quantity on hand (which is good), but the error message text is of little value to help the user understand and fix the issue. The error message is: "Expected Quantity has changed. Please re-enter the value of the quantity column." The error message text needs to be changed to say "Transactions have been posted against this item since this stock take was created. Confirm the quantity on hand and try again". You need to check the history of the item and figure out what is going on, then change the quantity value if needed, then you can post it.

PART 3 There is no void or delete function, once a stock take is saved, the user is stuck with it forever.

WORKAROUND 3A: The workaround to deal with this missing functionality (aka to get rid of an unwanted stock take) is to enter the "expected quantity" in the "quantity" field so there is no "quantity difference" at all, then post the stock take. But there are issues with with workaround.

WORKROUND ISSUE 3A1: If the stock qty is negative, you can't perform this workaround because the screen does not allow a negative qty to be entered, The stock quantity needs to be adjusted to 0 or greater elsewhere before you can proceed.

WORKAROUND ISSUE 3A2: If any of the items in the stock take have been posted against since the stock take was first saved, upon your attempt to post the stock take with all of the qty values set the the expected qty value, you will get the error message as noted above "Expected Quantity has changed". This is OK, don't worry about it. Every line that get this error message has now had the "Expected Quantity" value updated on the screen to the current quantity on hand. All you need to do is to adjust the quantity on hand value to match the new "Expected Quantity" value so there is no difference for any of the items in the stock take, then try posting it again, and it should now post.

WORKAROUND ISSUE 3A3: With this workaround, the "last stock take date" is falsely updated.

WORKAROUND B: Database update to get the stock take off the open list (last resort) This is the query that populates the list: Select top 250 * from [InventoryStockTake] Where (Status='Entering Counts' Or Status='Sheets Printed' or IsPosted = 0) Order By StockTakeCode Desc

WORKAROUND C: Delete records from the database (last resort) select from InventoryStockTake where StockTakeCode = 'TKE-000004' select from InventoryStockTakeDetail where StockTakeCode = 'TKE-000004'