DynamicDevices / enviroplus-docker-image

Docker image (Balena) for use with Pimoroni Enviroplus
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non-balena Dockerfile? #1

Open saket424 opened 3 years ago

saket424 commented 3 years ago

Do you have a Dockerfile that does not require balena and works standalone ?

ajlennon commented 3 years ago

Certainly could. I like the idea. We've discussed this ourselves across the various Balena Docker projects I have.

What exactly would you want to run the Dockerfile on? Have you tried with a vanilla install?

saket424 commented 3 years ago

I would like to first get it working on a buster-based raspios on a pi0 (vanilla) without balena

But I see references to balena kernel header builds and awscli in your docker file. So I was curious if we can possibly make a docjer-compose file without any balena dependency just yet

saket424 commented 3 years ago

Later I also want to get it working on the google coral mini dev board running mendel linux

ajlennon commented 3 years ago

OK - I am creating a vanilla Dockerfile now. If I commit in can you give it a go with docker-compose build and give me some feedback @saket424 ?

saket424 commented 3 years ago

Yes I am eagerly looking forward to your commit and will most definitely provide the feedback on both these boards

ajlennon commented 3 years ago

OK see how that commit goes for you for now will you? If that looks useful I'll have a look into the sound driver

saket424 commented 3 years ago

@ajlennon , I gave your image a whirl. It seems to build ok. I noticed it is missing vcgencmd and ps. Can you add those? You already know that the audio driver is missing

sensors_1 | insmod: ERROR: could not load module rpi0-i2s-audio.ko: No such file or directory

Where do I specify the mqtt broker etc ? I don't see any reference to it in the docker-compose file

I used docker exec -it to attach to your running container and manually ran this from the container after I commented out references to vcgencmd in ./enviroplus-python/examples/mqtt-all.py and it worked!

# Read values from BME280 and return as dict
def read_bme280(bme280):
    # Compensation factor for temperature
    comp_factor = 2.25
    values = {}
    #cpu_temp = get_cpu_temperature()
    raw_temp = bme280.get_temperature()  # float
    #comp_temp = raw_temp - ((cpu_temp - raw_temp) / comp_factor)
    comp_temp = raw_temp;

root@b04ce7085b53:/usr/src/app# python3 enviroplus-python/examples/mqtt-all.py --broker --port 1883 --topic "enviroplus/ajlennon"
mqtt-all.py - Reads Enviro plus data and sends over mqtt.

    client_id: raspi-00000000965b470f
    port: 1883
    topic: enviroplus/ajlennon

    Press Ctrl+C to exit!

No PMS5003 sensor connected
RPi serial: 00000000965b470f
Wi-Fi: connected

MQTT broker IP:
connected OK
{'temperature': 23.566628721007145, 'pressure': 67320.0, 'humidity': 100.0, 'oxidised': 30.516853932584265, 'reduced': 37.47496206373293, 'nh3': 6.348178137651822, 'lux': 4.6474, 'serial': '00000000965b470f'}
mid: 1
{'temperature': 26.75501746750417, 'pressure': 98220.0, 'humidity': 19.05642588987805, 'oxidised': 0.46196150320806606, 'reduced': 54.19677996422183, 'nh3': 0.5137614678899082, 'lux': 4.6474, 'serial': '00000000965b470f'}
mid: 2
{'temperature': 26.755655475617118, 'pressure': 98220.0, 'humidity': 19.08101368639229, 'oxidised': 0.46196150320806606, 'reduced': 68.69635627530366, 'nh3': 0.6697332106715731, 'lux': 4.6474, 'serial': '00000000965b470f'}
mid: 3
mosquitto_sub -v -d -t '#'
Client mosqsub|24774-pi0gadget sending CONNECT
Client mosqsub|24774-pi0gadget received CONNACK (0)
Client mosqsub|24774-pi0gadget sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 0)
Client mosqsub|24774-pi0gadget received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client mosqsub|24774-pi0gadget received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'enviroplus/ajlennon', ... (222 bytes))
enviroplus/ajlennon {"temperature": 26.755655475617118, "pressure": 98220.0, "humidity": 19.08101368639229, "oxidised": 0.46196150320806606, "reduced": 68.69635627530366, "nh3": 0.6697332106715731, "lux": 4.6474, "serial": "00000000965b470f"}

So I think you are very close. I look forward to the sound portion also with however you need to compile with the appropriate kernel headers. Hope that is enough feedback to get you going. Thanks again

ajlennon commented 3 years ago

Where do I specify the mqtt broker etc ? I don't see any reference to it in the docker-compose file

OK so I have been using Balena to set environment variables as in the README file. My gut feeling is there should be a way to specify those when you start the Docker container?

ajlennon commented 3 years ago

sensors_1 | insmod: ERROR: could not load module rpi0-i2s-audio.ko: No such file or directory

Ah yes. Issue with the sound driver. That should be just a warning rather than stopping anything working at I think?

ajlennon commented 3 years ago

I used docker exec -it to attach to your running container and manually ran this from the container after I commented out references to vcgencmd

Yes. Will have a think about how best to add this in then...

saket424 commented 3 years ago

sensors_1 | insmod: ERROR: could not load module rpi0-i2s-audio.ko: No such file or directory Ah yes. Issue with the sound driver. That should be just a warning rather than stopping anything working at I think? yes it is not a fatal error and the docker container kept on running without the audio kmod

Where do I specify the mqtt broker etc ? I don't see any reference to it in the docker-compose file OK so I have been using Balena to set environment variables as in the README file. My gut feeling is there should be a way to specify those when you start the Docker container?

Here is the docker-compose file I tried to use. I think autorun.sh expects an AUTORUN env variable to be set, otherwise it runs sleep.sh. Just as well that it did, since that allowed me to tweak the script and run it manually successfully

version: '2'
    build: ./sensors
    image: ajlennon:latest
    privileged: true
      - shared-data:/data
      - MQTT_BROKER: ""
      - MQTT_PORT: 1883
      - MQTT_TOPIC: "enviroplus"

Looking forward to the next commit from you soon. I'll give it another whirl and provide you feedback

saket424 commented 3 years ago

@ajlennon Any progress on this front ?