DynamicDevices / ming-original

Balena.io/Docker-compose repo for a containerised #MING (Mosquitto, InfluxDB, NodeRed, Grafana) stack
33 stars 20 forks source link

Support docker-compose as well as balena #16

Closed MatthewCroughan closed 4 years ago

MatthewCroughan commented 4 years ago

This is simply done, for now. All we need to do is maintain a version of the .template that removes explicit references to --platform. The only reason we need --platform in the FROM directive like this:

FROM --platform=linux/arm grafana/grafana:master

Is because of this issue https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli/issues/1508 https://forums.balena.io/t/balena-cloud-cli-builder-is-still-not-able-to-interpret-image-manifests/43203/5

In addition to removing --platform, the file needs to be named Dockerfile rather than Dockerfile.template.

MatthewCroughan commented 4 years ago

Also @ajlennon if you give me access to push to this repo at some point, I can reference issues inside of the commit message, which will show up the same way that cross-issue referencing does, as demonstrated below.