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Evaluate low power "Wifi Stick" variant from Heltec #6

Open ajlennon opened 5 years ago

ajlennon commented 5 years ago

The LoRa boards in the wild all seem to have low power deficiencies. TTGO v1 boards also are very poor in terms of LoRa performance. v2+ boards use a LoRa module which is apparently much better and we should probably require this as a baseline.

There are other issues, including the USB<->TTL chip which does not power down properly on older variants.

The battery charging circuit may also be a factor. Some discussion is found here


ajlennon commented 5 years ago

The documentation for the new stick is here

ajlennon commented 5 years ago

Pricing - "The final price we still didn’t decide. I think it will close to currently WIFI LoRa 32 without OLED."