DynamicGravitySystems / DGP

Dynamic Gravity Processor
Apache License 2.0
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Feature/ui improvements #83

Closed bradyzp closed 5 years ago

bradyzp commented 5 years ago

UI Improvements Branch

The UI Improvements branch addresses various quality-of-life improvements in the user interface.

Related Issues

Closes #82

cbertinato commented 5 years ago

Also, a couple of issues that came up in QA testing:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/cbertinato/Documents/Git/DGP/dgp/gui/views/project_tree_view.py", line 78, in _on_double_click
  File "/Users/cbertinato/Documents/Git/DGP/dgp/core/controllers/project_treemodel.py", line 127, in item_activated
    self.tabOpenRequested.emit(item.uid, item)
  File "/Users/cbertinato/Documents/Git/DGP/dgp/core/controllers/datafile_controller.py", line 32, in uid
    return self._datafile.uid
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'uid'
screen shot 2018-08-26 at 10 11 23 am
cbertinato commented 5 years ago

Before adding a data to a dataset I had changed the name of the dataset from the default value. Then proceeded to add a trajectory. The old name of the dataset appeared in the dialog. The import still went through with no issue.

screen shot 2018-08-26 at 10 28 59 am
cbertinato commented 5 years ago

When I minimize the windows (in Mac OSX), and then maximize, then the project tree side bar is toggled off closed. I can bring it back with the toggle button on top. Not sure if this is an issue in Windows.

cbertinato commented 5 years ago

Also, I can't seem to get the fields from the gravity data to appear in channels boxes on the right of the plots. The issue appears also to happen for trajectory, but at some point the lat, lon, and height fields did appear, though I don't recall what series of actions I made for that to happen.

bradyzp commented 5 years ago

Hey Chris, thanks for doing some QC and reviewing!

I've pushed up a change set which should resolve the Path issue in settings.py, the exception caused by trying to activate/double-click empty DataFiles, and the issue where the project tree/dock is being hidden after minimizing the window. Also the splash screen visibility issue should have been resolved.

The issue you point out where the DataSet name is not being updated in the import dialog, and the issue where you're not seeing the data channels appear are sort of related I think.

Both of these issues are sort of related, in that there needs to be some sort of communication between the controllers and 1. any clones that they have, and 2. any UI items such as Tabs that their state has changed. I've started working on this in a separate branch as I didn't want to pollute this one with too many changes, but basically my plan is to create a standard interface for all controllers which enables them to track (by weak-reference) any clones or references to themselves, and can then notify any referent objects of a state change.